Follow your tummy
[Winnie the Pooh] is one of my favorite characters. In my favorite episode the friends are lost in the woods. Much because Rabbit, lover of complexity, gets them into a mess by making a problem of something that isn't. In the end it's Pooh's tummy that finds them the way home. From
(Pooh's tummy rumbles)
- Piglet: W-w-what was that, Pooh?
- Winnie the Pooh: [laughs] My tummy rumbled. Now then, let's go home.
- Piglet: But Pooh, do you know the way?
- Winnie the Pooh: Well, you see, Piglet, I've got twelve pots of honey in my cupboard, and they've been calling to my tummy.
- Piglet: They have?
- Winnie the Pooh: Yes, Piglet. I think I know where they're coming from, so come on. You just follow my tummy.
It's very much along the lines that I do things. Not just coding, but indeed coding is one area where I listen to my tummy. Today I found support for this approach of mine:
The entire book seems to be a good read. But for me just this short section was a sweet read. I'm not alone!
-- PEZ
Nice link =). It reminds me that [The Tao of Pooh] was required reading in my Software Engineering class, as funny as that may sound. I think I've always assumed you'd read that, PEZ, with your occasional Pooh references; but if you haven't, it's a great book. -- Voidious
Required reading huh? Sounds great! I'll check it out. -- PEZ
Just like debugging from a different approach... --Starrynte