In this case the Leader robot pairs off with the enemy Leader and the other with the enemies other robot. Thier targeting is linear, because if the code works the way it should they will never be more then 100 away from the enemy, severly limiting the manuevering room of the enemy.Because there is so much extra space, I may expand on this robot and add in wall advoidance and code to dodge around other robots so that it can get into position correctly.
Its.. interesting to see this team fight TwintelligenceTeam, as they are attempting to do exactly the same thing, get behind the enemy. However this team somehow beats the TwintelligenceTeam with an average of 50 to 25.
I get a 0 for creativity, but I think the idea that Greywhind used for his bot is in itself not bad, just undeveloped.
The Team Jar: