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Doubt it's that interesting (Falcon and RaikoNano are far more interesting), but since it's small...

package ags.woodchip;

import robocode.*;
import static robocode.util.Utils.normalRelativeAngle;
import static robocode.util.Utils.normalAbsoluteAngle;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.LinkedList;

 * Woodchip 0.1
 * A micro just-for-fun bot. Based on RaikoNano and Falcon
public final class Woodchip extends AdvancedRobot {
    static final double BULLET_POWER = 2.5;
    static final double BULLET_VELOCITY = 20 - 3 * BULLET_POWER;
    static final LinkedList<Double> GFNUMBERS = new LinkedList<Double>();
    static double enemyX;
    static double enemyY;
    static double lateralDirection=1;
    public void run()
        while(true) {
        public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e)
                final Wave wave = new Wave();
                double enemyAbsoluteBearing = normalAbsoluteAngle(getHeadingRadians() + e.getBearingRadians());
                enemyX = (wave.wGunX = getX()) + Math.sin(enemyAbsoluteBearing) * e.getDistance();
                enemyY = (wave.wGunY = getY()) + Math.cos(enemyAbsoluteBearing) * e.getDistance();
                wave.wBearing = enemyAbsoluteBearing;
                final double lv = (e.getVelocity() * Math.sin(e.getHeadingRadians() - enemyAbsoluteBearing));
                if (lv != 0)
                    lateralDirection = Math.signum(lv);
                wave.wBearingDirection = lateralDirection;
                double gf=0;
                if (GFNUMBERS.size() > 0)
                    gf = GFNUMBERS.get((int)(Math.pow(Math.random(),4) * GFNUMBERS.size()));
                setTurnGunRightRadians(normalRelativeAngle(enemyAbsoluteBearing - getGunHeadingRadians()) + gf*lateralDirection);
                if (setFireBullet(BULLET_POWER) != null)
                final double rturn = normalRelativeAngle(enemyAbsoluteBearing - getRadarHeadingRadians());
                if (rturn > 0)
    static double direction=1, bulletVelocity;
    public void raikoNanoMove(ScannedRobotEvent e) {
        double v1, v2, offset = 2;
        v1 = getHeadingRadians() + e.getBearingRadians();
        while(!new java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double(18,18,764,564).
                contains(getX() + 160 * Math.sin(v2 = v1 + direction * (offset -= .02)), getY() + 160 * Math.cos(v2)));
        v1 = e.getDistance();
        if(Math.random() > Math.pow(v1 = 0.5952 * bulletVelocity / v1, v1) || offset < 0.7) {
                direction = -direction;
        setAhead(1000 * Math.cos(v2 -= getHeadingRadians()));
    public void onHitByBullet(HitByBulletEvent e) {
        bulletVelocity = e.getVelocity();
    static class Wave extends Condition {
        double wGunX;
        double wGunY;
        double wBearing;
        double wBearingDirection=1;
        double wDistance;

        public boolean test() {
            if (Math.abs((wDistance += BULLET_VELOCITY) - Point2D.distance(wGunX, wGunY, enemyX, enemyY)) <= BULLET_VELOCITY / 2) {
                GFNUMBERS.addFirst((normalRelativeAngle(Math.atan2(enemyX - wGunX, enemyY - wGunY) - wBearing)));
            return false;

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Last edited May 30, 2008 22:38 EST by Rednaxela (diff)