package de._4geeks.robots.guns.DC; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; public class BucketKdTree<T extends Info> { private int dim; private int bucketSize; private int entries; private Bucket buckets; public BucketKdTree(int dim, int bucketSize) { this.dim = dim; this.bucketSize = bucketSize; this.buckets = new Bucket(bucketSize, 0); this.entries = 0; } public void addInfo(T info) { buckets.addInfo(this, info); entries += 1; } public void clear() { this.buckets = new Bucket(bucketSize, 0); this.entries = 0; } public void balance() { ArrayList<T> l = collect(); this.buckets = new Bucket(bucketSize, 0); this.buckets.balance(l, this); } public ArrayList<T> collect() { ArrayList<T> l = new ArrayList<T>(); buckets.collect(l); return l; } public ArrayList<T> getBucket(double[] features) { return buckets.getBucket(features); } class Bucket { ArrayList<T> b; int dim; Bucket top; Bucket bottom; double border; public Bucket(int bucketSize, int dim) { this.dim = dim; b = new ArrayList<T>(bucketSize); } public ArrayList<T> getBucket(double[] features) { if (b != null) { return b; } else { if (features[dim] >= border) { return top.getBucket(features); } else { return bottom.getBucket(features); } } } public void addInfo(BucketKdTree<T> tree, T info) { if (b != null) { if (b.size() >= tree.bucketSize) { subdivide(tree); if (info.getFeature(dim) >= border) { top.addInfo(tree, info); } else { bottom.addInfo(tree, info); } } else { b.add(info); } } else { if (info.getFeature(dim) >= border) { top.addInfo(tree, info); } else { bottom.addInfo(tree, info); } } } private void subdivide(BucketKdTree<T> tree) { // This calculates the median for the bucket. Collections.sort(b, new InfoComparator(dim)); border = b.get(b.size() / 2).getFeature(dim); //System.out.println(String.format("Subdivide: %d %f", dim, border)); top = new Bucket(bucketSize, (dim+1) % tree.getDim()); bottom = new Bucket(bucketSize, (dim+1) % tree.getDim()); for (T i : b) { if (i.getFeature(dim) >= border) { top.addInfo(tree, i); } else { bottom.addInfo(tree, i); } } b = null; } public void collect(ArrayList<T> l) { if(b != null) { l.addAll(b); } else { top.collect(l); bottom.collect(l); } } public void balance(ArrayList<T> l, BucketKdTree<T> tree) { if(l.size() >= tree.bucketSize) { Collections.sort(l, new InfoComparator(dim)); border = l.get(l.size() / 2).getFeature(dim); top = new Bucket(bucketSize, (dim+1) % tree.getDim()); bottom = new Bucket(bucketSize, (dim+1) % tree.getDim()); ArrayList<T> topList = new ArrayList<T>(); ArrayList<T> bottomList = new ArrayList<T>(); for(T i : l) { if (i.getFeature(dim) >= border) { topList.add(i); } else { bottomList.add(i); } } top.balance(topList, tree); bottom.balance(bottomList, tree); b = null; } else { b = l; } } public int size() { return b.size(); } class InfoComparator implements Comparator<T> { int i; public InfoComparator(int i) { this.i = i; } public int compare(T o1, T o2) { return Double.compare(o1.getFeature(i), o2.getFeature(i)); } } } public int getDim() { return dim; } public int getBucketSize() { return bucketSize; } public int getEntries() { return entries; } }
package de._4geeks.robots.guns.DC; public interface Info { public double getFeature(int i); }