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Difference (from prior minor revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1c1,627
To infinity and beyond!

// (C) 2007 Kim, Taegyoon

// StatisticLogTargeting
// version 1.0: 20071023. matches only on fire times
// version 1.0b: 20071024. matches always

package stelo;

import robocode.*;
import robocode.util.Utils;

import java.awt.geom.*; // for Point2D's
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class PastFuture extends AdvancedRobot {
public static int BINS = 47;
private static int DISTANCE_INDEXES = 5;
private static int VELOCITY_INDEXES = 5;
// public static double _surfStats[] = new double[BINS]; // we'll use 47 bins
private static double _surfStats1[][] = new double[VELOCITY_INDEXES][BINS];
private static double _surfStats2[][][] = new double[VELOCITY_INDEXES][DISTANCE_INDEXES][BINS];

public static Point2D.Double _myLocation; // our bot's location
public static Point2D.Double _enemyLocation; // enemy bot's location

public ArrayList _enemyWaves;
public ArrayList _surfDirections;
public ArrayList _surfAbsBearings;

private static double lateralDirection;
private static double lastEnemyVelocity;

// This is a rectangle that represents an 800x600 battle field,
// used for a simple, iterative WallSmoothing method (by Kawigi).
// If you're not familiar with WallSmoothing, the wall stick indicates
// the amount of space we try to always have on either end of the tank
// (extending straight out the front or back) before touching a wall.
public static final Rectangle2D.Double _fieldRect
= new java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double(18, 18, 764, 564);
private static double lastEnemyEnergy;
private static double enemyBulletPower = 0.1;
private static double lastMyVelocity;

private static Vector velocities = new Vector(10000);
private static Vector headingChanges = new Vector(10000);
private static final int SLT_VELOCITY_INDEXES = 8 + 8 + 1;
private static final int SLT_VELOCITY_INDEXES2 = 8 + 1;

// different segmentations
private static Vector[][] fireTimes2 = new Vector[SLT_VELOCITY_INDEXES][SLT_VELOCITY_INDEXES2];
private static Vector[] fireTimes1 = new Vector[SLT_VELOCITY_INDEXES];
private static Vector fireTimes0 = new Vector();

private static double MAX_ESCAPE_ANGLE = 0.9;
private static double lastEnemyHeading;
private static double enemyDistance;
private static double absBearing;
private static double lastBearingOffset;
private static int vIndex1, vIndex2;

private static int hitRobotCount;

public void run() {
setColors(Color.GREEN, Color.YELLOW, Color.RED);
lateralDirection = 1;
lastEnemyVelocity = 0;

_enemyWaves = new ArrayList();
_surfDirections = new ArrayList();
_surfAbsBearings = new ArrayList();

if (getRoundNum() == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < SLT_VELOCITY_INDEXES; i++) {
fireTimes1[i] = new Vector();
for (int j = 0; j < SLT_VELOCITY_INDEXES2; j++) {
fireTimes2[i][j] = new Vector();


do {
// basic mini-radar code
} while (true);

public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e) {
_myLocation = new Point2D.Double(getX(), getY());

double lateralVelocity = getVelocity()*Math.sin(e.getBearingRadians());
absBearing = e.getBearingRadians() + getHeadingRadians();
enemyDistance = e.getDistance();
double enemyVelocity = e.getVelocity();
double myVelocity = getVelocity();

setTurnRadarRightRadians(Utils.normalRelativeAngle(absBearing - getRadarHeadingRadians()) * 2);

velocities.add(new Double(e.getVelocity()));
headingChanges.add(new Double(Utils.normalRelativeAngle(e.getHeadingRadians() - lastEnemyHeading)));

new Integer((lateralVelocity >= 0) ? 1 : -1));
_surfAbsBearings.add(0, new Double(absBearing + Math.PI));

// check energyDrop
double energyDrop = lastEnemyEnergy - e.getEnergy();
if (energyDrop < 3.01 && energyDrop > 0.09
&& _surfDirections.size() > 2) {
enemyBulletPower = energyDrop;
// EnemyWave ew = new EnemyWave();
EnemyWave ew = new EnemyWave(this.getVelocity(), enemyDistance);
ew.fireTime = getTime() - 1;
ew.bulletVelocity = bulletVelocity(enemyBulletPower);
ew.distanceTraveled = bulletVelocity(enemyBulletPower);
ew.direction = ((Integer)_surfDirections.get(2)).intValue();
ew.directAngle = ((Double)_surfAbsBearings.get(2)).doubleValue();
ew.fireLocation = (Point2D.Double)_enemyLocation.clone(); // last tick

if (Math.random() < 0.5) direction = -direction;


// update after EnemyWave detection, because that needs the previous
// enemy location as the source of the wave
_enemyLocation = (Point2D.Double) project(_myLocation, absBearing, e.getDistance());
// System.out.println(_enemyLocation.getX() + " " + _enemyLocation.getY());

double bulletPower = 1.9;
if (e.getDistance() < 55) bulletPower = 3.0;
bulletPower = Math.min(getEnergy(), Math.min(bulletPower, e.getEnergy() / 5.0));
bulletPower = limit(0.1, bulletPower, 3.0);

if (getGunHeat() < getGunCoolingRate() * 4.0) {
lastBearingOffset = bestBearingOffset(e, bulletPower, absBearing, vIndex1, vIndex2);
Bullet b = setFireBullet(bulletPower);
// if (b != null) {
vIndex1 = (int) (enemyVelocity + 8.0);
vIndex2 = (int) Math.abs(lastEnemyVelocity);
fireTimes2[vIndex1][vIndex2].add(new Integer(velocities.size() - 1));
fireTimes1[vIndex1].add(new Integer(velocities.size() - 1));
fireTimes0.add(new Integer(velocities.size() - 1));
// }
setTurnGunRightRadians(Utils.normalRelativeAngle(absBearing - getGunHeadingRadians() + lastBearingOffset));
setTurnRadarRightRadians(Utils.normalRelativeAngle(absBearing - getRadarHeadingRadians()) * 2);

lastEnemyHeading = e.getHeadingRadians();
lastEnemyVelocity = enemyVelocity;
lastEnemyEnergy = e.getEnergy();
lastMyVelocity = getVelocity();

public void onPaint(java.awt.Graphics2D g) {
g.draw(new Rectangle((int) getX() - 18, (int) getY() - 18, 36, 36));

EnemyWave surfWave = null;

for (int x = 0; _enemyWaves != null && x < _enemyWaves.size(); x++) {
EnemyWave ew = (EnemyWave)_enemyWaves.get(x);

double eX = ew.fireLocation.getX() + ew.distanceTraveled * Math.sin(ew.directAngle);
double eY = ew.fireLocation.getY() + ew.distanceTraveled * Math.cos(ew.directAngle);

g.draw(new Rectangle((int) eX - 8, (int) eY - 8, 16, 16));
int maxBin = (BINS - 1) / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < BINS; i++) {
if (ew.buffer[EnemyWave.BUFFERS - 1][i] > ew.buffer[EnemyWave.BUFFERS - 1][maxBin]) {
maxBin = i;

double angle = ew.directAngle + maxEscapeAngle(ew.bulletVelocity) * ew.direction * (double) ((maxBin - (BINS - 1)) / 2) / ((BINS - 1) / 2);
eX = ew.fireLocation.getX() + ew.distanceTraveled * Math.sin(angle);
eY = ew.fireLocation.getY() + ew.distanceTraveled * Math.cos(angle);
g.draw(new Rectangle((int) eX - 4, (int) eY - 4, 8, 8));

public void onHitRobot(HitRobotEvent e) {

private void considerRamming() {
if (enemyDistance < 55 && hitRobotCount > (getRoundNum() + 1) * 3) {

private static double direction = 1.0;
private void randomMove() {
Point2D robotDestination;
double angle = Math.PI / 2.0;

do {
robotDestination = project(_myLocation, absBearing + direction * angle, 160.0);
angle -= 0.05;
} while (direction != 0.0 && !_fieldRect.contains(robotDestination));


private void goTo(Point2D destination) {
double angle = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(absoluteBearing(_myLocation,
- getHeadingRadians());
double turnAngle = Math.atan(Math.tan(angle));

* (angle == turnAngle ? 1 : -1));
// Hit the brake pedal hard if we need to turn sharply
// setMaxVelocity(Math.abs(getTurnRemaining()) > 30 ? 0 : 8);
//setMaxVelocity(8.0 * (1.0 - Math.abs(getTurnRemaining()) / 30.0));
setMaxVelocity((Math.PI / 18 - Math.min(Math.abs(getTurnRemainingRadians()), Math.PI / 18)) / (Math.PI / 240));

private Rectangle2D fieldRectangle(double margin) {
return new Rectangle2D.Double(margin, margin, getBattleFieldWidth() - margin *
2, getBattleFieldHeight() - margin * 2);

private static final Rectangle2D.Double field = new java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 800, 600);
private static final int MAX_SAMPLES = 500;
// statistical movement reconstructor
private double bestBearingOffset(ScannedRobotEvent e, double bulletPower, double absBearing, int vIndex1, int vIndex2) {
double angleThreshold = 36.0 / e.getDistance();
// final double MAX_ESCAPE_ANGLE = maxEscapeAngle(bulletVelocity(bulletPower));
int binSize = (int) (MAX_ESCAPE_ANGLE * 2.0 / angleThreshold) + 1;
// final int CLOSEST_SIZE = binSize * 2 + 1;
final double bulletSpeed = (20.0 - 3.0 * bulletPower);
final int bulletTravelTime = (int) (enemyDistance / bulletSpeed);

Vector ft = fireTimes2[vIndex1][vIndex2];
if (ft.size() == 0)
ft = fireTimes1[vIndex1];
if (ft.size() == 0)
ft = fireTimes0;

int[] statBin = new int[binSize];
double[] metaAngle = new double[binSize];
System.out.println("binSize: " + binSize + " choices: " + ft.size());

int maxIndex = 0;
int lastIndex = velocities.size() - 1;
int count = 0;
final double heading = e.getHeadingRadians();
final double eV = e.getVelocity();
for (int fi = ft.size() - 1; fi >= 0; fi--) {
if (count > MAX_SAMPLES) break; // limit to recent samples
int i = ((Integer) ft.get(fi)).intValue();

double initialEX = enemyDistance * Math.sin(absBearing);
double initialEY = enemyDistance * Math.cos(absBearing);

// reconstruct enemy movement and find the most popular angle
double eX = initialEX;
double eY = initialEY;
double ww = heading;
double v = eV;
double db = 0;
int index = i;
boolean inField = true;

do {
db += bulletSpeed;

eX += v * Math.sin(ww);
eY += v * Math.cos(ww);

if (!field.contains(new Point2D.Double(eX + _myLocation.getX(), eY + _myLocation.getY()))) {
inField = false;
v = ((Double) velocities.get(index)).doubleValue();
ww += ((Double) headingChanges.get(index)).doubleValue();

if (index + 1 < lastIndex) {
} while (db < Point2D.distance(0, 0, eX, eY));

if (inField) {
double angle = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(Math.atan2(eX, eY) - absBearing);

int binIndex = (int) ((angle + MAX_ESCAPE_ANGLE) / angleThreshold);
metaAngle[binIndex] = angle;
if (statBin[binIndex] > statBin[maxIndex]) {
maxIndex = binIndex;

return metaAngle[maxIndex];

public void updateWaves() {
for (int x = 0; x < _enemyWaves.size(); x++) {
EnemyWave ew = (EnemyWave)_enemyWaves.get(x);

ew.distanceTraveled = (getTime() - ew.fireTime) * ew.bulletVelocity;
if (ew.distanceTraveled >
_myLocation.distance(ew.fireLocation) + 50) {

// logHit(ew, _myLocation); // flatten

public EnemyWave getClosestSurfableWave() {
double closestDistance = 50000; // I juse use some very big number here
EnemyWave surfWave = null;

for (int x = 0; x < _enemyWaves.size(); x++) {
EnemyWave ew = (EnemyWave)_enemyWaves.get(x);
double distance = _myLocation.distance(ew.fireLocation)
- ew.distanceTraveled;

if (distance > ew.bulletVelocity && distance < closestDistance) {
surfWave = ew;
closestDistance = distance;

return surfWave;

// Given the EnemyWave that the bullet was on, and the point where we
// were hit, calculate the index into our stat array for that factor.
public static int getFactorIndex(EnemyWave ew, Point2D.Double targetLocation) {
double offsetAngle = (absoluteBearing(ew.fireLocation, targetLocation)
- ew.directAngle);
double factor = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(offsetAngle)
/ maxEscapeAngle(ew.bulletVelocity) * ew.direction;

return (int)limit(0,
(factor * ((BINS - 1) / 2)) + ((BINS - 1) / 2),
BINS - 1);

// Given the EnemyWave that the bullet was on, and the point where we
// were hit, update our stat array to reflect the danger in that area.
public void logHit(EnemyWave ew, Point2D.Double targetLocation) {
int index = getFactorIndex(ew, targetLocation);

for (int x = 0; x < BINS; x++) {
// for the spot bin that we were hit on, add 1;
// for the bins next to it, add 1 / 2;
// the next one, add 1 / 5; and so on...
double increment = 1.0 / (Math.pow(index - x, 2) + 1);
for (int b = 0; b < EnemyWave.BUFFERS; b++) {
ew.buffer[b][x] += increment;

public void onHitByBullet(HitByBulletEvent e) {
// If the _enemyWaves collection is empty, we must have missed the
// detection of this wave somehow.
if (!_enemyWaves.isEmpty()) {
Point2D.Double hitBulletLocation = new Point2D.Double(
e.getBullet().getX(), e.getBullet().getY());
EnemyWave hitWave = null;

// look through the EnemyWaves, and find one that could've hit us.
for (int x = 0; x < _enemyWaves.size(); x++) {
EnemyWave ew = (EnemyWave)_enemyWaves.get(x);

if (Math.abs(ew.distanceTraveled -
_myLocation.distance(ew.fireLocation)) < 50
&& Math.round(bulletVelocity(e.getBullet().getPower()) * 10)
== Math.round(ew.bulletVelocity * 10)) {
hitWave = ew;

if (hitWave != null) {
logHit(hitWave, hitBulletLocation);

// We can remove this wave now, of course.
public void onBulletHitBullet(BulletHitBulletEvent e) {
// If the _enemyWaves collection is empty, we must have missed the
// detection of this wave somehow.
Bullet bullet = e.getHitBullet();
if (!_enemyWaves.isEmpty()) {
Point2D.Double hitBulletLocation = new Point2D.Double(
bullet.getX(), bullet.getY());
EnemyWave hitWave = null;

// look through the EnemyWaves, and find one that could've hit us.
for (int x = 0; x < _enemyWaves.size(); x++) {
EnemyWave ew = (EnemyWave)_enemyWaves.get(x);

if (Math.abs(ew.distanceTraveled -
_myLocation.distance(ew.fireLocation)) < 50
&& Math.round(bulletVelocity(bullet.getPower()) * 10)
== Math.round(ew.bulletVelocity * 10)) {
hitWave = ew;

if (hitWave != null) {
logHit(hitWave, hitBulletLocation);

// We can remove this wave now, of course.

// CREDIT: mini sized predictor from Apollon, by rozu
// http://robowiki.net?Apollon
public Point2D.Double predictPosition(EnemyWave surfWave, int direction) {
Point2D.Double predictedPosition = (Point2D.Double)_myLocation.clone();

double predictedVelocity = getVelocity();
double predictedHeading = getHeadingRadians();
double maxTurning, moveAngle, moveDir;

int counter = 0; // number of ticks in the future
boolean intercepted = false;
if (direction == 0) { // brake
while (predictedVelocity != 0.0) {
double nextVelocity = predictedVelocity - Math.signum(predictedVelocity) * 2.0;
if (nextVelocity * predictedVelocity < 0.0) nextVelocity = 0.0;
predictedVelocity = nextVelocity;
// calculate the new predicted position
predictedPosition = (Point2D.Double) project(predictedPosition, predictedHeading, predictedVelocity);

return predictedPosition;

do {
moveAngle =
wallSmoothing(predictedPosition, absoluteBearing(surfWave.fireLocation,
predictedPosition) + (direction * (FAR_HALF_PI)), direction)
- predictedHeading;
moveDir = 1;

if(Math.cos(moveAngle) < 0) {
moveAngle += Math.PI;
moveDir = -1;

moveAngle = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(moveAngle);

// maxTurning is built in like this, you can't turn more then this in one tick
maxTurning = Math.PI/720d*(40d - 3d*Math.abs(predictedVelocity));
predictedHeading = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(predictedHeading
+ limit(-maxTurning, moveAngle, maxTurning));

// this one is nice ;). if predictedVelocity and moveDir have
// different signs you want to breack down
// otherwise you want to accelerate (look at the factor "2")
predictedVelocity += (predictedVelocity * moveDir < 0 ? 2*moveDir : moveDir);
predictedVelocity = limit(-8, predictedVelocity, 8);

// calculate the new predicted position
predictedPosition = (Point2D.Double) project(predictedPosition, predictedHeading, predictedVelocity);


if (predictedPosition.distance(surfWave.fireLocation) <
surfWave.distanceTraveled + (counter * surfWave.bulletVelocity)
+ surfWave.bulletVelocity) {
intercepted = true;
} while(!intercepted && counter < 500);

return predictedPosition;

public double checkDanger(EnemyWave surfWave, int direction) {
int index = getFactorIndex(surfWave,
predictPosition(surfWave, direction));

int b = EnemyWave.BUFFERS - 1;
for (; b >= 0; b--) {
double sum = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < BINS; i++) {
sum += surfWave.buffer[b][i];
if (sum > 0.0) break;
if (b < 0) b = 0;

return surfWave.buffer[b][index];

private static final double FAR_HALF_PI = 1.3;
public void doSurfing() {
EnemyWave surfWave = getClosestSurfableWave();

if (surfWave == null) {
double leastDanger = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double dangerLeft = checkDanger(surfWave, -1);
double dangerRight = checkDanger(surfWave, 1);
double dangerMiddle = checkDanger(surfWave, 0);

double goAngle = absoluteBearing(surfWave.fireLocation, _myLocation);

if (dangerLeft < dangerRight) {
goAngle = wallSmoothing(_myLocation, goAngle - (FAR_HALF_PI), -1);
leastDanger = dangerLeft;
} else {
goAngle = wallSmoothing(_myLocation, goAngle + (FAR_HALF_PI), 1);
leastDanger = dangerRight;
setBackAsFront(this, goAngle);
if (dangerMiddle < leastDanger) {

// This can be defined as an inner class if you want.
static class EnemyWave {
Point2D.Double fireLocation;
long fireTime;
double bulletVelocity, directAngle, distanceTraveled;
int direction;
static final int BUFFERS = 3;
double[][] buffer = new double[BUFFERS][];
static double[] fastBuffer = new double[BINS];
private static final double MAX_DISTANCE = 1000.0;

public EnemyWave(double velocity, double distance) {
int velocityIndex = (int) Math.abs(velocity / 2);
// int lastVelocityIndex = (int) Math.abs(lastVelocity / 2);
int distanceIndex = (int)(distance / (MAX_DISTANCE / DISTANCE_INDEXES));
buffer[2] = _surfStats2[velocityIndex][distanceIndex];
buffer[1] = _surfStats1[velocityIndex];
buffer[0] = fastBuffer;

// CREDIT: Iterative WallSmoothing by Kawigi
// - return absolute angle to move at after account for WallSmoothing
// robowiki.net?WallSmoothing
public double wallSmoothing(Point2D.Double botLocation, double angle, int orientation) {
while (!_fieldRect.contains(project(botLocation, angle, 160))) {
angle += orientation*0.05;
return angle;

public static double limit(double min, double value, double max) {
return Math.max(min, Math.min(value, max));

public static double bulletVelocity(double power) {
return (20D - (3D*power));

public static double maxEscapeAngle(double velocity) {
return Math.asin(8.0/velocity);
public static void setBackAsFront(AdvancedRobot robot, double goAngle) {
double angle =
Utils.normalRelativeAngle(goAngle - robot.getHeadingRadians());
if (Math.abs(angle) > (Math.PI/2)) {
if (angle < 0) {
robot.setTurnRightRadians(Math.PI + angle);
} else {
robot.setTurnLeftRadians(Math.PI - angle);
} else {
if (angle < 0) {
} else {
public static void setBackAsFront(AdvancedRobot robot, double angle) {
angle =
Utils.normalRelativeAngle(angle - robot.getHeadingRadians());
double turnAngle = Math.atan(Math.tan(angle));
robot.setAhead(angle == turnAngle ? 100 : -100);

static Point2D project(Point2D sourceLocation, double angle, double length) {
return new Point2D.Double(sourceLocation.getX() + Math.sin(angle) * length,
sourceLocation.getY() + Math.cos(angle) * length);

static double absoluteBearing(Point2D source, Point2D target) {
return Math.atan2(target.getX() - source.getX(), target.getY() - source.getY());

// (C) 2007 Kim, Taegyoon

// StatisticLogTargeting
// version 1.0: 20071023. matches only on fire times
// version 1.0b: 20071024. matches always

package stelo;

import robocode.*;
import robocode.util.Utils;

import java.awt.geom.*;     // for Point2D's
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class PastFuture extends AdvancedRobot {
    public static int BINS = 47;
	private static int DISTANCE_INDEXES = 5;
	private static int VELOCITY_INDEXES = 5;
//    public static double _surfStats[] = new double[BINS]; // we'll use 47 bins
    private static double _surfStats1[][] = new double[VELOCITY_INDEXES][BINS];
    private static double _surfStats2[][][] = new double[VELOCITY_INDEXES][DISTANCE_INDEXES][BINS];
    public static Point2D.Double _myLocation;     // our bot's location
    public static Point2D.Double _enemyLocation;  // enemy bot's location

    public ArrayList _enemyWaves;
    public ArrayList _surfDirections;
    public ArrayList _surfAbsBearings;
	private static double lateralDirection;
	private static double lastEnemyVelocity;

    // This is a rectangle that represents an 800x600 battle field,
    // used for a simple, iterative WallSmoothing method (by Kawigi).
    // If you're not familiar with WallSmoothing, the wall stick indicates
    // the amount of space we try to always have on either end of the tank
    // (extending straight out the front or back) before touching a wall.
    public static final Rectangle2D.Double _fieldRect
        = new java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double(18, 18, 764, 564);
    private static double lastEnemyEnergy;
    private static double enemyBulletPower = 0.1;
    private static double lastMyVelocity;

	private static Vector velocities = new Vector(10000);
	private static Vector headingChanges = new Vector(10000);
	private static final int SLT_VELOCITY_INDEXES = 8 + 8 + 1;
	private static final int SLT_VELOCITY_INDEXES2 = 8 + 1;
	// different segmentations
	private static Vector[][] fireTimes2 = new Vector[SLT_VELOCITY_INDEXES][SLT_VELOCITY_INDEXES2];
	private static Vector[] fireTimes1 = new Vector[SLT_VELOCITY_INDEXES];
	private static Vector fireTimes0 = new Vector();
	private static double MAX_ESCAPE_ANGLE = 0.9;
	private static double lastEnemyHeading;
	private static double enemyDistance;
	private static double absBearing;
	private static double lastBearingOffset;
	private static int vIndex1, vIndex2;
	private static int hitRobotCount;
    public void run() {
		setColors(Color.GREEN, Color.YELLOW, Color.RED);
		lateralDirection = 1;
		lastEnemyVelocity = 0;
        _enemyWaves = new ArrayList();
        _surfDirections = new ArrayList();
        _surfAbsBearings = new ArrayList();

		if (getRoundNum() == 0) {
			for (int i = 0; i < SLT_VELOCITY_INDEXES; i++) {
				fireTimes1[i] = new Vector();
				for (int j = 0; j < SLT_VELOCITY_INDEXES2; j++) {
					fireTimes2[i][j] = new Vector();


        do {
            // basic mini-radar code
        } while (true);

    public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e) {
        _myLocation = new Point2D.Double(getX(), getY());
        double lateralVelocity = getVelocity()*Math.sin(e.getBearingRadians());
        absBearing = e.getBearingRadians() + getHeadingRadians();
		enemyDistance = e.getDistance();
		double enemyVelocity = e.getVelocity();
		double myVelocity = getVelocity();
        setTurnRadarRightRadians(Utils.normalRelativeAngle(absBearing - getRadarHeadingRadians()) * 2);

			velocities.add(new Double(e.getVelocity()));
			headingChanges.add(new Double(Utils.normalRelativeAngle(e.getHeadingRadians() - lastEnemyHeading)));
            new Integer((lateralVelocity >= 0) ? 1 : -1));
        _surfAbsBearings.add(0, new Double(absBearing + Math.PI));	
        // check energyDrop
        double energyDrop = lastEnemyEnergy - e.getEnergy();
        if (energyDrop < 3.01 && energyDrop > 0.09
            && _surfDirections.size() > 2) {
        	enemyBulletPower = energyDrop;
//            EnemyWave ew = new EnemyWave();
            EnemyWave ew = new EnemyWave(this.getVelocity(), enemyDistance);
            ew.fireTime = getTime() - 1;
            ew.bulletVelocity = bulletVelocity(enemyBulletPower);
            ew.distanceTraveled = bulletVelocity(enemyBulletPower);
            ew.direction = ((Integer)_surfDirections.get(2)).intValue();
            ew.directAngle = ((Double)_surfAbsBearings.get(2)).doubleValue();
            ew.fireLocation = (Point2D.Double)_enemyLocation.clone(); // last tick

			if (Math.random() < 0.5) direction = -direction;


        // update after EnemyWave detection, because that needs the previous
        // enemy location as the source of the wave
        _enemyLocation = (Point2D.Double) project(_myLocation, absBearing, e.getDistance());
//		System.out.println(_enemyLocation.getX() + " " + _enemyLocation.getY());

		double bulletPower = 1.9;
		if (e.getDistance() < 55) bulletPower = 3.0;
		bulletPower = Math.min(getEnergy(), Math.min(bulletPower, e.getEnergy() / 5.0));
		bulletPower = limit(0.1, bulletPower, 3.0);
		if (getGunHeat() < getGunCoolingRate() * 4.0) {
			lastBearingOffset = bestBearingOffset(e, bulletPower, absBearing, vIndex1, vIndex2);
			Bullet b = setFireBullet(bulletPower);
//			if (b != null) {
				vIndex1 = (int) (enemyVelocity + 8.0);
				vIndex2 = (int) Math.abs(lastEnemyVelocity);
				fireTimes2[vIndex1][vIndex2].add(new Integer(velocities.size() - 1));
				fireTimes1[vIndex1].add(new Integer(velocities.size() - 1));
				fireTimes0.add(new Integer(velocities.size() - 1));
//			}
		setTurnGunRightRadians(Utils.normalRelativeAngle(absBearing - getGunHeadingRadians() + lastBearingOffset));
		setTurnRadarRightRadians(Utils.normalRelativeAngle(absBearing - getRadarHeadingRadians()) * 2);		

		lastEnemyHeading = e.getHeadingRadians();
		lastEnemyVelocity = enemyVelocity;
		lastEnemyEnergy = e.getEnergy();
		lastMyVelocity = getVelocity();

	public void onPaint(java.awt.Graphics2D g) {
		g.draw(new Rectangle((int) getX() - 18, (int) getY() - 18, 36, 36));
        EnemyWave surfWave = null;

        for (int x = 0; _enemyWaves != null && x < _enemyWaves.size(); x++) {
            EnemyWave ew = (EnemyWave)_enemyWaves.get(x);

			double eX = ew.fireLocation.getX() + ew.distanceTraveled * Math.sin(ew.directAngle);
			double eY = ew.fireLocation.getY() + ew.distanceTraveled * Math.cos(ew.directAngle);

			g.draw(new Rectangle((int) eX - 8, (int) eY - 8, 16, 16));
			int maxBin = (BINS - 1) / 2;
			for (int i = 0; i < BINS; i++) {
				if (ew.buffer[EnemyWave.BUFFERS - 1][i] > ew.buffer[EnemyWave.BUFFERS - 1][maxBin]) {
					maxBin = i;

			double angle = ew.directAngle + maxEscapeAngle(ew.bulletVelocity) * ew.direction * (double) ((maxBin - (BINS - 1)) / 2) / ((BINS - 1) / 2);
			eX = ew.fireLocation.getX() + ew.distanceTraveled * Math.sin(angle);
			eY = ew.fireLocation.getY() + ew.distanceTraveled * Math.cos(angle);
			g.draw(new Rectangle((int) eX - 4, (int) eY - 4, 8, 8));			

	public void onHitRobot(HitRobotEvent e) {

	private void considerRamming() {
		if (enemyDistance < 55 && hitRobotCount > (getRoundNum() + 1) * 3) {

	private static double direction = 1.0;
	private void randomMove() {
		Point2D robotDestination;
		double angle = Math.PI / 2.0;
		do {
			robotDestination = project(_myLocation, absBearing + direction * angle, 160.0);
			angle -= 0.05;
		} while (direction != 0.0 && !_fieldRect.contains(robotDestination));

	private void goTo(Point2D destination) {
		double angle = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(absoluteBearing(_myLocation,
				- getHeadingRadians());
		double turnAngle = Math.atan(Math.tan(angle));
				* (angle == turnAngle ? 1 : -1));
		// Hit the brake pedal hard if we need to turn sharply
//		setMaxVelocity(Math.abs(getTurnRemaining()) > 30 ? 0 : 8);
		//setMaxVelocity(8.0 * (1.0 - Math.abs(getTurnRemaining()) / 30.0));
		setMaxVelocity((Math.PI / 18 - Math.min(Math.abs(getTurnRemainingRadians()), Math.PI / 18)) / (Math.PI / 240));

	private Rectangle2D fieldRectangle(double margin) { 
		return new Rectangle2D.Double(margin, margin, getBattleFieldWidth() - margin *
		 2, getBattleFieldHeight() - margin * 2);

    private static final Rectangle2D.Double field = new java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 800, 600);
	private static final int MAX_SAMPLES = 500;	
	// statistical movement reconstructor
	private double bestBearingOffset(ScannedRobotEvent e, double bulletPower, double absBearing, int vIndex1, int vIndex2) {
		double angleThreshold = 36.0 / e.getDistance();
//		final double MAX_ESCAPE_ANGLE = maxEscapeAngle(bulletVelocity(bulletPower));
		int binSize = (int) (MAX_ESCAPE_ANGLE * 2.0 / angleThreshold) + 1;
//		final int CLOSEST_SIZE = binSize * 2 + 1;
		final double bulletSpeed = (20.0 - 3.0 * bulletPower);
		final int bulletTravelTime = (int) (enemyDistance / bulletSpeed);
		Vector ft = fireTimes2[vIndex1][vIndex2];
		if (ft.size() == 0)
			ft = fireTimes1[vIndex1];
		if (ft.size() == 0)
			ft = fireTimes0;
		int[] statBin = new int[binSize];
		double[] metaAngle = new double[binSize];		
		System.out.println("binSize: " + binSize + " choices: " + ft.size());

		int maxIndex = 0;		
		int lastIndex = velocities.size() - 1;
		int count = 0;
		final double heading = e.getHeadingRadians();
		final double eV = e.getVelocity();
		for (int fi = ft.size() - 1; fi >= 0; fi--) {
			if (count > MAX_SAMPLES) break; // limit to recent samples
			int i = ((Integer) ft.get(fi)).intValue();
			double initialEX = enemyDistance * Math.sin(absBearing);
			double initialEY = enemyDistance * Math.cos(absBearing);
			// reconstruct enemy movement and find the most popular angle
			double eX = initialEX;
			double eY = initialEY;
			double ww = heading;
			double v = eV;
			double db = 0;
			int index = i;
			boolean inField = true;
			do {
				db += bulletSpeed;

				eX += v * Math.sin(ww);
				eY += v * Math.cos(ww);
				if (!field.contains(new Point2D.Double(eX + _myLocation.getX(), eY + _myLocation.getY()))) {
					inField = false;
				v = ((Double) velocities.get(index)).doubleValue();
				ww += ((Double) headingChanges.get(index)).doubleValue();
				if (index + 1 < lastIndex) {
			} while (db < Point2D.distance(0, 0, eX, eY));
			if (inField) {
				double angle = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(Math.atan2(eX, eY) - absBearing);
				int binIndex = (int) ((angle + MAX_ESCAPE_ANGLE) / angleThreshold);
				metaAngle[binIndex] = angle;				
				if (statBin[binIndex] > statBin[maxIndex]) {
					maxIndex = binIndex;
		return metaAngle[maxIndex];

    public void updateWaves() {
        for (int x = 0; x < _enemyWaves.size(); x++) {
            EnemyWave ew = (EnemyWave)_enemyWaves.get(x);

            ew.distanceTraveled = (getTime() - ew.fireTime) * ew.bulletVelocity;
            if (ew.distanceTraveled >
                _myLocation.distance(ew.fireLocation) + 50) {
//				logHit(ew, _myLocation); // flatten

    public EnemyWave getClosestSurfableWave() {
        double closestDistance = 50000; // I juse use some very big number here
        EnemyWave surfWave = null;

        for (int x = 0; x < _enemyWaves.size(); x++) {
            EnemyWave ew = (EnemyWave)_enemyWaves.get(x);
            double distance = _myLocation.distance(ew.fireLocation)
                - ew.distanceTraveled;

            if (distance > ew.bulletVelocity && distance < closestDistance) {
                surfWave = ew;
                closestDistance = distance;

        return surfWave;

    // Given the EnemyWave that the bullet was on, and the point where we
    // were hit, calculate the index into our stat array for that factor.
    public static int getFactorIndex(EnemyWave ew, Point2D.Double targetLocation) {
        double offsetAngle = (absoluteBearing(ew.fireLocation, targetLocation)
            - ew.directAngle);
        double factor = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(offsetAngle)
            / maxEscapeAngle(ew.bulletVelocity) * ew.direction;

        return (int)limit(0,
            (factor * ((BINS - 1) / 2)) + ((BINS - 1) / 2),
            BINS - 1);

    // Given the EnemyWave that the bullet was on, and the point where we
    // were hit, update our stat array to reflect the danger in that area.
    public void logHit(EnemyWave ew, Point2D.Double targetLocation) {
        int index = getFactorIndex(ew, targetLocation);

        for (int x = 0; x < BINS; x++) {
            // for the spot bin that we were hit on, add 1;
            // for the bins next to it, add 1 / 2;
            // the next one, add 1 / 5; and so on...
			double increment = 1.0 / (Math.pow(index - x, 2) + 1);
			for (int b = 0; b < EnemyWave.BUFFERS; b++) {
            	ew.buffer[b][x] += increment;

    public void onHitByBullet(HitByBulletEvent e) {
        // If the _enemyWaves collection is empty, we must have missed the
        // detection of this wave somehow.
        if (!_enemyWaves.isEmpty()) {
            Point2D.Double hitBulletLocation = new Point2D.Double(
                e.getBullet().getX(), e.getBullet().getY());
            EnemyWave hitWave = null;

            // look through the EnemyWaves, and find one that could've hit us.
            for (int x = 0; x < _enemyWaves.size(); x++) {
                EnemyWave ew = (EnemyWave)_enemyWaves.get(x);

                if (Math.abs(ew.distanceTraveled -
                    _myLocation.distance(ew.fireLocation)) < 50
                    && Math.round(bulletVelocity(e.getBullet().getPower()) * 10)
                       == Math.round(ew.bulletVelocity * 10)) {
                    hitWave = ew;

            if (hitWave != null) {
                logHit(hitWave, hitBulletLocation);

                // We can remove this wave now, of course.
    public void onBulletHitBullet(BulletHitBulletEvent e) {
        // If the _enemyWaves collection is empty, we must have missed the
        // detection of this wave somehow.
    	Bullet bullet = e.getHitBullet();
        if (!_enemyWaves.isEmpty()) {
            Point2D.Double hitBulletLocation = new Point2D.Double(
            		bullet.getX(), bullet.getY());
            EnemyWave hitWave = null;

            // look through the EnemyWaves, and find one that could've hit us.
            for (int x = 0; x < _enemyWaves.size(); x++) {
                EnemyWave ew = (EnemyWave)_enemyWaves.get(x);

                if (Math.abs(ew.distanceTraveled -
                    _myLocation.distance(ew.fireLocation)) < 50
                    && Math.round(bulletVelocity(bullet.getPower()) * 10)
                       == Math.round(ew.bulletVelocity * 10)) {
                    hitWave = ew;

            if (hitWave != null) {
                logHit(hitWave, hitBulletLocation);

                // We can remove this wave now, of course.

    // CREDIT: mini sized predictor from Apollon, by rozu
    // http://robowiki.net?Apollon
    public Point2D.Double predictPosition(EnemyWave surfWave, int direction) {
    	Point2D.Double predictedPosition = (Point2D.Double)_myLocation.clone();
    	double predictedVelocity = getVelocity();
    	double predictedHeading = getHeadingRadians();
    	double maxTurning, moveAngle, moveDir;

        int counter = 0; // number of ticks in the future
        boolean intercepted = false;
    	if (direction == 0) { // brake
    		while (predictedVelocity != 0.0) {
    			double nextVelocity = predictedVelocity - Math.signum(predictedVelocity) * 2.0;
    			if (nextVelocity * predictedVelocity < 0.0) nextVelocity = 0.0;
        		predictedVelocity = nextVelocity;
        		// calculate the new predicted position
        		predictedPosition = (Point2D.Double) project(predictedPosition, predictedHeading, predictedVelocity);
    		return predictedPosition;

    	do {
    		moveAngle =
                wallSmoothing(predictedPosition, absoluteBearing(surfWave.fireLocation,
                predictedPosition) + (direction * (FAR_HALF_PI)), direction)
                - predictedHeading;
    		moveDir = 1;

    		if(Math.cos(moveAngle) < 0) {
    			moveAngle += Math.PI;
    			moveDir = -1;

    		moveAngle = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(moveAngle);

    		// maxTurning is built in like this, you can't turn more then this in one tick
    		maxTurning = Math.PI/720d*(40d - 3d*Math.abs(predictedVelocity));
    		predictedHeading = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(predictedHeading
                + limit(-maxTurning, moveAngle, maxTurning));

    		// this one is nice ;). if predictedVelocity and moveDir have
            // different signs you want to breack down
    		// otherwise you want to accelerate (look at the factor "2")
    		predictedVelocity += (predictedVelocity * moveDir < 0 ? 2*moveDir : moveDir);
    		predictedVelocity = limit(-8, predictedVelocity, 8);

    		// calculate the new predicted position
    		predictedPosition = (Point2D.Double) project(predictedPosition, predictedHeading, predictedVelocity);


            if (predictedPosition.distance(surfWave.fireLocation) <
                surfWave.distanceTraveled + (counter * surfWave.bulletVelocity)
                + surfWave.bulletVelocity) {
                intercepted = true;
    	} while(!intercepted && counter < 500);

    	return predictedPosition;

    public double checkDanger(EnemyWave surfWave, int direction) {
        int index = getFactorIndex(surfWave,
            predictPosition(surfWave, direction));

        int b = EnemyWave.BUFFERS - 1;
		for (; b >= 0; b--) {
	        double sum = 0.0;
	        for (int i = 0; i < BINS; i++) {
	        	sum += surfWave.buffer[b][i];
	        if (sum > 0.0) break;
		if (b < 0) b = 0;

        return surfWave.buffer[b][index];

	private static final double FAR_HALF_PI = 1.3;
    public void doSurfing() {
        EnemyWave surfWave = getClosestSurfableWave();
		if (surfWave == null) {
        double leastDanger = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        double dangerLeft = checkDanger(surfWave, -1);
        double dangerRight = checkDanger(surfWave, 1);
        double dangerMiddle = checkDanger(surfWave, 0);

        double goAngle = absoluteBearing(surfWave.fireLocation, _myLocation);

        if (dangerLeft < dangerRight) {
            goAngle = wallSmoothing(_myLocation, goAngle - (FAR_HALF_PI), -1);
            leastDanger = dangerLeft;
        } else {
            goAngle = wallSmoothing(_myLocation, goAngle + (FAR_HALF_PI), 1);
            leastDanger = dangerRight;
        setBackAsFront(this, goAngle);
        if (dangerMiddle < leastDanger) {

    // This can be defined as an inner class if you want.
    static class EnemyWave {
        Point2D.Double fireLocation;
        long fireTime;
        double bulletVelocity, directAngle, distanceTraveled;
        int direction;
		static final int BUFFERS = 3;
		double[][] buffer = new double[BUFFERS][];
		static double[] fastBuffer = new double[BINS];
		private static final double MAX_DISTANCE = 1000.0;

        public EnemyWave(double velocity, double distance) {
			int velocityIndex = (int) Math.abs(velocity / 2);
//			int lastVelocityIndex = (int) Math.abs(lastVelocity / 2);
			int distanceIndex = (int)(distance / (MAX_DISTANCE / DISTANCE_INDEXES));
			buffer[2] = _surfStats2[velocityIndex][distanceIndex];
			buffer[1] = _surfStats1[velocityIndex];
			buffer[0] = fastBuffer;

    // CREDIT: Iterative WallSmoothing by Kawigi
    //   - return absolute angle to move at after account for WallSmoothing
    // robowiki.net?WallSmoothing
    public double wallSmoothing(Point2D.Double botLocation, double angle, int orientation) {
        while (!_fieldRect.contains(project(botLocation, angle, 160))) {
            angle += orientation*0.05;
        return angle;

    public static double limit(double min, double value, double max) {
        return Math.max(min, Math.min(value, max));

    public static double bulletVelocity(double power) {
        return (20D - (3D*power));

    public static double maxEscapeAngle(double velocity) {
        return Math.asin(8.0/velocity);
    public static void setBackAsFront(AdvancedRobot robot, double goAngle) {
        double angle =
            Utils.normalRelativeAngle(goAngle - robot.getHeadingRadians());
        if (Math.abs(angle) > (Math.PI/2)) {
            if (angle < 0) {
                robot.setTurnRightRadians(Math.PI + angle);
            } else {
                robot.setTurnLeftRadians(Math.PI - angle);
        } else {
            if (angle < 0) {
           } else {
    public static void setBackAsFront(AdvancedRobot robot, double angle) {
        angle =
            Utils.normalRelativeAngle(angle - robot.getHeadingRadians());		
		double turnAngle = Math.atan(Math.tan(angle));
        robot.setAhead(angle == turnAngle ? 100 : -100);
	static Point2D project(Point2D sourceLocation, double angle, double length) {
		return new Point2D.Double(sourceLocation.getX() + Math.sin(angle) * length,
				sourceLocation.getY() + Math.cos(angle) * length);
	static double absoluteBearing(Point2D source, Point2D target) {
		return Math.atan2(target.getX() - source.getX(), target.getY() - source.getY());

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