This is
Garm's version history:
- V. 0.9u: team: rank: 5 rating: 1788.3 melee: rank: 29 rating: 1698.28 date: 23.6.2008
- removed "wait until aimed" :)
- lowered number of gun and movement buffers in melee and team games
- minor melee tweaks
- team scan sharing
- V. 0.9t: rank: % PL-rank: % rating: % date: 23.6.2008
- V. 0.9s: rank: % melee: 36 PL-rank: % rating: % date: 11.5.2008
- finished basic melee strategy
- V. 0.9r: rank: 11 PL-rank: ~8 rating: 2080.43 date: 4.5.2008
- some internal changes to make Garm melee capable (ii)
- fixed some dumb bugs in the movement code
- V. 0.9p: rank: 10 PL-rank: 8 rating: 2086.52 date: 18.4.2008
- some internal changes to make Garm melee capable
- fixed a dumb bug in the gun wave code
- V. 0.9p: rank: 11 PL-rank: 9 rating: 1478 date: 13.4.2008
- added second gun buffer (rolling dept of 200)
- code cleanup
- fixed bug in "distance-last10-Segment"
- V. 0.9o: rank: 19 PL-rank: ~8 rating: 2055.77 date: 3.4.2008
- added distance-last-10 segments to the movement
- V. 0.9m: rank: 21 PL-rank: 6-8 rating: 2042.87 date: 9.2.2008
- and V. 0.9n: rank: 20 PL-rank: 5 rating: 2053.23 date: 17.2.2008
- small MEA changes
- some structural changes
- V. 0.9l: rank: 18 PL-rank: 5-6 rating: 2048.7 date: 6.2.2008
- V. 0.9k: rank: 21 PL-rank: 10 rating: 2040.8 date: 4.2.2008
- fine tuned gf1/-1 calculation (with wallcollision)
- V. 0.9j: rank: 20 PL-rank: 5 rating: 2043.83 date: 30.1.2008
- gf1/-1 calculation with wallcollision
- V. 0.9i: rank: 22 PL-rank: 10 rating: 2035.58 date: 29.1.2008
- fine tuned gf1/-1 calculation
- V. 0.9h: rank: 24 PL-rank: 10 rating: 2028.42 date: 27.1.2008
- tuned gf1/-1 calculation for low distances
- fixed normalRelativeAngle bug
- V. 0.9hb is 0.9h with speed improvements (same bad rating? Yes :P)
- V. 0.9g: rank: 21 PL-rank: 9 rating: 2040.01 date: 22.1.2008
- new gf1/-1 test (without wall collision check)
- structural gun changes
- has some problems with skipped turns, fixed in V. 0.9gb with try/catch
- is buggy, the lack of one normalRelativeAngle screwed the gf1/-1 calculation up
- V. 0.9f: rank: 17 PL-rank: 4-6 rating: 2041 date: 10.11.2007
- structural changes
- binsmoothing tuning
- distancing change
- danger calculation improvement
- V. 0.9e: rank: 21 PL-rank: 8 rating: 2024.56 date: 2.11.2007
- made binsmoothing dependent on number of shots in the buffer
- V. 0.9d2: rank: 20 PL-rank: 5 rating: 2021.33 date: 29.10.2007
- new movement buffers with precise MEA calculation
- V. 0.9d: rank: 20 PL-rank: 6 rating: 2021.47 date: 28.10.2007
- Movement:
- more buffer (same attributes, different slices)
- faster binsmoothing
- V. 0.9c: rank: 24 PL-rank: 5-7 rating: 2009.17 date: 12.10.2007
- Movement:
- bugfix (robot width calculation)
- reworked movement style (not that much wiggling anymore = better score vs WSCBotC?)
- uses now 5 different buffer
- no distancing code (for now...)
- added binsmoothing sorry, it's slow :/
- Gun: Not well tested... ;(
- played once more with gf1/-1 calculations
- minor fixes
- V. 0.9b: rank: 29 PL-rank: 8-11 rating: 1993.14 date: 24.9.2007
- reworked enemy wave detection (There is still some work to do)
- corrected time of segmentation in the movement (It was one tick off)
- added robot collision prediction to movement + anti rambot code
- wave weightning is now based on time of impact (It was static before)
- method which prevents Garm from sticking in corners
- increased movement bin number to 151
- V. 0.9a: rank: 29 PL-rank: 10 rating: 1980.42 date: 16.9.2007
- generalised bot width calculation
- increased bin number (movement_bin_number=91 and gun_bin_number=151)
- decreased RollingAverage dept (movement and gun)
- increased tick wave weightning
- shoots now tick waves in the first 3 rounds
- V. 0.8p: rank: 23 PL-rank: 18 rating: 2005.93 date: 15.9.2007
- Some segmentation fixes
- no enemy velocity consideration in gf1/-1 calculation
- V. 0.8o: rank: 23 PL-rank: 18 rating: 2001.5 date: 12.9.2007
- Reworked the whole gf1/-1 calculation
- Crashed if the enemy drives at a velocity of 7.9999...
- V. 0.8n: pulled date: 4.9.2007
- I think i got it right now :) I should sleep longer and code lesser!
- It's definitely not right :/
- V. 0.8m: rank: 21 PL-rank: 18 rating: 2011.77 date: 2.9.2007
- Hopefully fixed all new bugs The bugs drive me crazy :/
- V. 0.8l2: rank: 21 PL-rank: 18 rating: 2005.66 date: 27.08.2007
- Hopefully fixed the new bugs
- V. 0.8l: pulled date: 27.08.2007
- switched back to the old enemy width calculation.
- fixed some minor bugs in the gf-1/1 calculation and improved it a bit
- some structural changes
- introduced some new innovative bugs :D
- V. 0.8k: rank: 19 PL-rank: 16 rating: 2023.64 date: 24.08.2007
- cahnged radar (should now miss no more turns after skipped turns)
- changed enemy width calculation. The prvious one was more succesfull
- BinSmoothing is disabled for now.
- V. 0.8j: rank: 19 PL-rank: 19 rating: 2024 date: 23.08.2007
- rerelease of 0.8g I'm curious if the 2027 ranking was a bit lucky. It might be related to the client version changes.
- V. 0.8i: rank: 19 PL-rank: 16 rating: 2024 date: 21.08.2007
- V. 0.8h: rank: 19 PL-rank: 18 rating: xxxx date: 20.08.2007
- added BinSmoothing to the gun (Tried that once with no success)
- V. 0.8g: rank: 19 PL-rank: 16 rating: 2027.55 date: 15.08.2007
- tried to make gf-1/1 calculation a bit saver
- V. 0.8f: rank: 20 PL-rank: 18 rating: 2022.15 date: 06.08.2007
- changed gf-1/1 calculation
- enemy speed/acceleration is now approximated (step 3)
- not that nice over all improvement :/ But its nicer vs. top Bots!
- V. 0.8e: rank: 20 PL-rank: 21 rating: 2022.16 date: 31.07.2007
- changed gf-1/1 calculation
- takes now the battlefield-size into consideration (step 2)
- nice improvement! I had expected such a score not until step 3. Btw, [only] 100 raiting points left :D
- V. 0.8d: rank: 22 PL-rank: 22 rating: 2005.92 date: 01.07.2007
- changed gf-1/1 calculation
- removed complicated and slow precise prediction (step 1)
- V. 0.8c: rank: 21 PL-rank: 22 rating: 2018.29 date: 28.06.2007
- changed near wall behaviour
- V. 0.8b: rank: 21 PL-rank: 22 rating: 2018.53 date: 07.05.2007
- Movement: taking bullet-hit-bullet events into consideration
- V. 0.8: rank: 21 PL-rank: 23 rating: 2009.21 date: 05.05.2007
- Movement: detecting enemy wall hits
- Gun: using tick waves only in the first round
- V. 0.7d: rank: 24 PL-rank: 22 rating: 2000.29 date: 18.01.2007
- V. 0.7c: rank: 23 PL-rank: 20 rating: 1994.34 date: 17.01.2007
- Movement: added acceleration segment
- Gun: implemented my own segmentation
- V. 0.7b: rank: 23 PL-rank: 18 rating: 1988.4 date: 17.01.2007
- V. 0.7: rank: 25 PL-rank: 20 rating: 1975.97 date: 15.01.2007
- changed distancing code: reanimated Krabby2's solution, it still works fine :)
- gets nice results vs top bots => Version 0.7
- V. 0.6k: rank: 46 PL-rank: % rating: 1897.62 date: 15.01.2007
- changed distancing code again
- V. 0.6j: rank: 61 PL-rank: 49 rating: 1834.9 date: 15.01.2007
- V. 0.6i: rank: 33 PL-rank: 24 rating: 1944.58 date: 04.01.2007
- fixed movement bug (introduced in V. 0.6f)
- now surfs the first two waves
- moves some degrees away form the enemy instead of staying perpendicular
- V. 0.6h: rank: 47 PL-rank: 37 rating: 1891.7 date: 24.12.2006
- orbits around the current enemy position again
- V. 0.6g: rank: 46 PL-rank: % rating: 1881.57 date: 23.12.2006
- decreased rolling dept again
- V. 0.6f: rank: ~47 PL-rank: % rating: ~1879 date: 23.12.2006
- orbits around the wave center now
- fixed minor movement prediction bug
- increased rolling dept
- introduced a new movement bug: Removed the code part which keeps Garm at a minimum distance of 100
- V. 0.6e: rank: 34 PL-rank: 26 rating: 1936.81 date: 18.12.2006
- V. 0.6d: rank: 34 PL-rank: ~40 rating: 1934.65 date: 18.12.2006
- V 0.6b with tick waves, lets see the difference, might be slow :/
- + ~20 Points with tick waves, but too slow
- V. 0.6c: rank: ~44 PL-rank: % rating: ~1896.85 date: 18.12.2006
- should stay at a constand distance of 350
- improved speed
- minor structural changes
- V. 0.6b: rank: 34 PL-rank: 34 rating: 1915.94 date: 17.12.2006
- Movement changes:
- lower rolling dept
- precise prediction
- V. 0.6: rank: 43 PL-rank: 41 rating: 1898.73 date: 16.12.2006
- V. 0.5b: rank: 34 PL-rank: 21 rating: 1931.68 date: 14.12.2006
- structural gun change, lets see if I broke something (dont think so).
- V. 0.5: rank: 34 PL-rank: 20 rating: 1929.32 date: 12.12.2006
- one exact GF-gun
- movement from Krabby2 (V. 1.9o)
- gun segmentation from Komarious