[Home]History of Ascendant

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Revision 265 . . December 1, 2007 20:47 EST by Skilgannon [fast too]
Revision 264 . . December 1, 2007 20:35 EST by Voidious [obsession (er, effort)]
Revision 263 . . December 1, 2007 20:01 EST by GrubbmGait [DC is the magic word]
Revision 262 . . December 1, 2007 18:49 EST by Chase-san [Not so long again]
Revision 261 . . October 25, 2006 11:30 EST by Mue

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Added: 308a309
* Another impressive thing is how fast he is. The only way I could imagine he does it is by only surfing one wave. Unless he is using a custom FastMaths? class for his Trig. or something, something I've considered doing several times. But I must say, Ascendant is one tough bot to beat in terms of general Rumble performance! -- Skilgannon

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