[Home]History of BlackPearl/Code

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Revision 25 . . May 25, 2004 23:04 EST by Sparafucil3
Revision 24 . . May 17, 2004 3:39 EST by Sparafucil3
Revision 23 . . February 17, 2004 3:36 EST by Sparafucil3

Difference (from prior major revision) (author diff)

Removed: 14,22d13
* BlackPearl is derived from Jekyl in many ways. It also serves as a proving ground for new concepts
* that may one day find thier way into Jekyl. It is a pretty complete robot. If you use any of the code
* contained in this bot I only ask that you let me see what it is you changed to make it better. Seeing
* your whole bot would be nice but is not a requirement. I would also appreciate it if you would help me
* to learn from your experiences in return as well. If you use this please take the time to send me an
* email at jim at j e k l . c o m. If you want you can also most likely reach me on AOL IM as screen name Sparafucil3.
* I look forward to hearing from you......jim

Changed: 24,26c15,17
private static final double MAX_STAND_OFF_DISTANCE = 500D;
private static final double MIN_STAND_OFF_DISTANCE = 400D;
private static final double GUESS_FACTORS = 25D;
private static final double MAX_STAND_OFF_DISTANCE = 600D;
private static final double MIN_STAND_OFF_DISTANCE = 500D;
private static final double GUESS_FACTORS = 23D;

Removed: 28,29d18
private static final double MAX_SHOT_POWER = 3D;
private static final double FIRE_POWER_NUMERATOR = 1000D;

Removed: 36d24
private static boolean save;

Added: 44a33
int lastLatVelIndex? = 0;

Removed: 51d39
save = (getOthers() == 1); //Only? save data if we are in a 1-v-1 engagement, otherwise the data will be polluted

Changed: 61,62c49,52
double accelDiff = Math.round(Math.abs(eVelocity) - Math.abs(eVelocity = e.getVelocity()));
double latVel = (eVelocity) * Math.sin(eHeading = e.getHeadingRadians() - (eAbsBearing? = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(getHeadingRadians() + (e.getBearingRadians?()))));
if (Math.abs(eVelocity) > Math.abs(eVelocity = e.getVelocity())) {
ticksSinceReverse? = 0;
double latVel = (eVelocity) * Math.sin(eHeading = e.getHeadingRadians() - (eAbsBearing? = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(getHeadingRadians() + (e.getBearingRadians?()))));

Changed: 72,78c62
int accellIndex = (accelDiff == 0 ? 0 : (accelDiff > 0 ? 2 : 1));
int latVelIndex? = ((int)Math.abs(latVel) / 2);
int distanceIndex = (int)(Math.min(11, Math.min(4, eDistance / 150D)));

if (accelDiff < 0) {
ticksSinceReverse? = 0;
int distanceIndex = (int)Math.min(4, eDistance / 180D);

Changed: 86c70,71
double firePower = Math.max(Math.min(Math.min(Math.min(getEnergy() * .2, eEnergy * .25), FIRE_POWER_NUMERATOR/eDistance), MAX_SHOT_POWER), .1);
double firePower = (distanceIndex <=1 ? 3.0 : 1.9);
//double firePower = (getEnergy() > 0 ? 3.0 : 0);

Changed: 90,94c75,79
//double distDelta = 0.02 + Math.PI/2 + (e.getDistance() > 400 ? -.1 : .5);
//double theta = 0.5952*bulletV(eLastShot?)/eDistance;
//if ( (Math.random() > Math.pow(theta, theta) && flatten)|| distDelta < Math.PI/4 || (distDelta < Math.PI/3 && eDistance < 400)){
double theta = .64 * bulletV(eLastShot?)/eDistance;
if ((Math.random() > Math.pow(theta, theta) && flatten)) {
double distDelta = 0.02 + Math.PI/2 + (e.getDistance() > 400 ? -.1 : .5);
double theta = 0.5952*bulletV(eLastShot?)/eDistance;
if ( (Math.random() > Math.pow(theta, theta) && flatten)|| distDelta < Math.PI/4 || (distDelta < Math.PI/3 && eDistance < 400)){
//double theta = .64 * bulletV(eLastShot?)/eDistance;
//if ((Math.random() > Math.pow(theta, theta) && flatten)) {

Changed: 111c96
int stats[] = statBuffer[getOutIndex?()][accellIndex][latVelIndex?][Math.min(4, ++ticksSinceReverse?/5)][distanceIndex];
int stats[] = statBuffer[getOutIndex?()][lastLatVelIndex?][(lastLatVelIndex? = ((int)Math.abs(latVel) / 2))][Math.min(4, ++ticksSinceReverse?/10)][distanceIndex];

Changed: 125,126c110
//If? the gun is cool, fire and shoot a Wave
if (getGunHeat() == 0 && firePower > 0) {
if (firePower > 0) {

Changed: 135c119
w.maxAnglePossible? = Math.asin(9.0 / w.bulletVel);
w.maxAnglePossible? = Math.asin(8.0 / w.bulletVel);

Added: 137a122
//lastLatVelIndex? = latVelIndex?;

Changed: 165c150
return (guessIndex - MIDDLE_FACTOR) / MIDDLE_FACTOR * Math.asin(9.0 / bulletV(firePower)) * eDirection;
return (guessIndex - MIDDLE_FACTOR) / MIDDLE_FACTOR * Math.asin(8.0 / bulletV(firePower)) * eDirection;

Changed: 176c161,162
return new int[3][3][5][5][5][(int)GUESS_FACTORS];
//int stats[] = statBuffer[getOutIndex?()][lastLatVelIndex?][latVelIndex?][Math.min(4, ++ticksSinceReverse?/5)][distanceIndex];
return new int[5][5][5][5][5][(int)GUESS_FACTORS];

Changed: 218,221c204,207
while (i < 20 && field.contains((eX + (Math.sin(eHeading)* (45.0 * i) * eDirection)), (eY + (Math.cos(eHeading) * (45.0 * i) * eDirection)))) {
return (i/10);
do {

} while (++i < 4 && field.contains((eX + (Math.sin(eHeading)* (45.0 * i) * eDirection)), (eY + (Math.cos(eHeading) * (45.0 * i) * eDirection))));
return (i);

Changed: 244c230

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