[Home]History of CassiusClay/Butterfly

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Revision 28 . . (edit) November 9, 2006 12:36 EST by Jeff [*I can finally own lots of bots]
Revision 27 . . April 27, 2006 7:42 EST by PEZ [2 points up]
Revision 26 . . April 26, 2006 8:45 EST by PEZ [Thanks for the bug report Florent!]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 166c166,170
Wow! And thanks! Even if belated, voidious mentioned this bug report to me yesterday. I'll release a bugfixed version in a jiffy. -- PEZ
Wow! And thanks! Even if belated, voidious mentioned this bug report to me yesterday. I'll release a bugfixed version in a jiffy. -- PEZ

Seems I gained 2 points with that bug fix. It might or migt not be a significant change, but at least I think it can be said that fixing this bug didn't make things worse. =) And now that this bug is fixed I might be able to tweak the weights of the segmentation to squeeze out some more points. -- PEZ

Finally somebody came up with the solution

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