[Home]History of CrowdTargeting

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Revision 22 . . (edit) May 29, 2008 7:50 EST by Rednaxela [fix typo]
Revision 21 . . May 29, 2008 7:49 EST by Rednaxela [comment]
Revision 20 . . May 29, 2008 7:35 EST by PEZ [Who!]
Revision 19 . . April 11, 2008 22:59 EST by Skilgannon [creds to you, PEZ]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff)

Added: 63a64
* Indeed, I now feel 100% certain that tapping into crowd wisdom is better than trying to figure out a "best" strategy, because just recently I've successfully combined a DynamicClustering gun and PatternMatcher in a CrowdTargeting-style way that notably outperforms either gun alone or in VirtualGuns, even against random movers and such things that the PatternMatcher can't get strong matches on! -- Rednaxela

Changed: 67c68,69
No, I haven't been keeping track. Wish I had! Entirely awesome work with DrussGT. Inspiring! -- PEZ
No, I haven't been keeping track. Wish I had! Entirely awesome work with DrussGT. Inspiring! -- PEZ

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