[Home]History of FalseProphet

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Revision 11 . . November 12, 2004 15:31 EST by PEZ [Reverting vandalism]
Revision 10 . . (edit) November 12, 2004 7:24 EST by

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 11c11
It has been released *WITHOUT* any tweaking, just when it stopped to throw [exceptions]. Placed 15th in its category.
It has been released *WITHOUT* any tweaking, just when it stopped to throw exceptions. Placed 15th in its category.

Changed: 41c41
Depends on David for a [moment].
Depends on David for a moment.

Changed: 50c50
It's a side effect of developing lrem.magic [package].
It's a side effect of developing lrem.magic package.

Changed: 61c61
It tries to get to range 150. It then sits still until the enemy fires. When it detects a shot it moves either forward or backward, deciding [randomly].
It tries to get to range 150. It then sits still until the enemy fires. When it detects a shot it moves either forward or backward, deciding randomly.

Changed: 66c66
I don't consider it to be a SlowBot. Although it runs slowly after a while, the rounds end so quickly when you fight at close range that it doesn't really [matter].
I don't consider it to be a SlowBot. Although it runs slowly after a while, the rounds end so quickly when you fight at close range that it doesn't really matter.

Changed: 74c74
The prize is the sourcecode, I believe it could be quite interesting how to do a PatternMatcher that fast. Just post your address... Or you may decide to make it Open [Source], your choice. Once again congrats on so unbelievable analist [skills].
The prize is the sourcecode, I believe it could be quite interesting how to do a PatternMatcher that fast. Just post your address... Or you may decide to make it Open Source, your choice. Once again congrats on so unbelievable analist skills.

Changed: 80c80
Thanks to FalseProphet I figured out why [Phoenix 0.22] didn't get the rating I'd hoped. I accidentally packaged it in movement challenge mode. It's rating is still high because it automatically switches out of movement challenge mode if the opponent moves, but for a bot like FalseProphet which stays still until it detects enemy fire, Phoenix never fires. --David Alves
Thanks to FalseProphet I figured out why Phoenix 0.22 didn't get the rating I'd hoped. I accidentally packaged it in movement challenge mode. It's rating is still high because it automatically switches out of movement challenge mode if the opponent moves, but for a bot like FalseProphet which stays still until it detects enemy fire, Phoenix never fires. --David Alves

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