[Home]History of GresSuffurd/VersionHistory

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Revision 33 . . August 31, 2008 14:30 EST by GrubbmGait [update stats (8th place should be around 23rd)]
Revision 32 . . May 1, 2008 12:47 EST by GrubbmGait [updated ratings/rankings]
Revision 28 . . (edit) June 12, 2007 15:44 EST by GrubbmGait [update stats]

Difference (from prior major revision) (author diff)

Added: 6a7,11
* 0.2.11 (20080830)
** gun: GV 0.2.7 move: WS 0.2.3
** Rating: 2050 (8th) (due to messed up ranking), PL: 596-44 (40th)
** keep a 'firing-window' to (further) eliminate enemy ghost-bullets
** anti-ram: when calculating the GF -1/1 bins, assume enemy is chasing me at constant distance

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