[Home]History of John Villar

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Revision 10 . . (edit) September 27, 2006 22:04 EST by Fnl [Corrected link for RobocodeNG]
Revision 8 . . August 24, 2005 17:27 EST by
Revision 7 . . August 18, 2005 22:54 EST by

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 2c2
Main administrator and developer of Robocode/News.
Developer for [RobocodeNG].

Added: 17a18,21
Q> When feature X will be implemented in Robocode NG?

A> When it's done :-D

Changed: 19c23
Q> What do you do for a living?
Q> What do you do for a living? or Why do you have so much free time to work on [RobocodeNG]?

Changed: 39c43
A> I'll turn 23 20th august of 2005. This world welcomed my being the 20th august of 1982, at 6:00 AFAIK.
A> I'm 23 years old. This world welcomed my being the 20th august of 1982, at 6:30 AFAIK.

Changed: 51c55
A> Dunno!! i don't look myself in the mirror nor take photos of me :-D... joking, i will post a picture of me soon on the "what we look like" page.
A> Dunno!! i don't look myself on the mirror nor take photos of me :-D... joking, i will post a picture of me soon on the "what we look like" page.

Removed: 54,57d57

Q> When feature X will be implemented in Robocode NG?

A> When it's done :-D

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