[Home]History of MovementChallenge2K6/PreChat

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Revision 6 . . (edit) July 8, 2006 7:52 EST by David Alves
Revision 4 . . July 8, 2006 7:23 EST by Voidious [500 or 1000 in WSC2K6]
Revision 3 . . February 20, 2006 9:34 EST by PEZ [... here]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 378c378,387
Works ok, but my best rumble movement isn't the best in this challenge though. I'll run some more seasons tonight just to be sure. -- ABC
Works ok, but my best rumble movement isn't the best in this challenge though. I'll run some more seasons tonight just to be sure. -- ABC

Hey, nobody ever updated the WaveSurfingChallenge2K6 page to say 500 rounds! Who all has been running 500, and who running 1000? =) I know I've been running 500, and I know David has been running 1000, but I don't know about the others. Should we still change it at this point? -- Voidious

I seem to have deleted it in my cleanup, but if anyone is wondering... the only bots that had a # of rounds in their comment fields were

|Krabby2 1.9g | Krabb | WS | 96.74 | 97.95 | 91.67 | 95.46 | 1 season 1000 rounds
| GrubbmGrb 1.2.1* |GrubbmGait | S&G | 89.69 | 95.88 | 93.77 | 93.11 | 5 seasons 500 rounds

--David Alves

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