[Home]History of Rednaxela/NeuralPatternMatching

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Revision 53 . . March 12, 2008 23:47 EST by Rednaxela [Tricky....]
Revision 52 . . March 12, 2008 4:16 EST by Rednaxela [Aha! Idea!]
Revision 51 . . February 21, 2008 18:47 EST by Rednaxela [relative/absolute movement]
Revision 50 . . February 21, 2008 17:56 EST by Skilgannon [lateral/advancing matching?]
Revision 49 . . February 21, 2008 17:32 EST by Rednaxela [lateral acceleration]
Revision 48 . . February 21, 2008 17:02 EST by Martin Alan Pedersen [alternative segment: lateral acceleration]
Revision 47 . . February 21, 2008 8:22 EST by Rednaxela [brickwall... doh]
Revision 46 . . February 20, 2008 0:08 EST by Rednaxela [progress update]
Revision 45 . . February 19, 2008 18:50 EST by Rednaxela [Thanks for the feedback]
Revision 44 . . February 19, 2008 14:35 EST by ABC [I like it]
Revision 43 . . (edit) February 19, 2008 10:38 EST by Rednaxela [fix]
Revision 42 . . February 19, 2008 10:35 EST by Rednaxela [Oh joy...]
Revision 41 . . February 19, 2008 9:10 EST by Rednaxela [progress update]
Revision 40 . . (edit) February 17, 2008 22:19 EST by Rednaxela [fix accidental edit]
Revision 39 . . February 17, 2008 22:12 EST by Rednaxela [progress update]
Revision 38 . . February 11, 2008 5:20 EST by Rednaxela [More thoughts]

Difference (from prior major revision) (author diff)

Changed: 154c154,156
-- Rednaxela
-- Rednaxela

Well, that stuff didn't exactly work right really.... however I'm thinking I might get a good result from separating "acceleration direction" and "is accelerating". Instead of the current 3 nodes I think it may work better to have one that means one direction, one that means the other direction, one that means there is actually acceleration, and one that means there actually isn't any. -- Rednaxela

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