[Home]History of Segmentation/Segments

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Revision 20 . . (edit) February 8, 2006 6:02 EST by Voidious
Revision 18 . . (edit) January 3, 2006 16:55 EST by Voidious [fixed relative heading formula]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff)

Changed: 6c6

 (oldAngle-newAngle)/max_escape_angle // eg, Math.asin(max bot velocity/bullet velocity)

Changed: 34,35c34
* Move Times: Number of ticks since the velocity was last 0. Useful against stop and go and oscillators.
* Move Times: Number of ticks since the velocity was last 0, since velocity changed, or since velocity was max speed. Useful against stop and go and oscillators, and many other types of movement. Some tanks, like CassiusClay, also make this (inversely) proportional to the enemy's distance.

Removed: 41,42d39

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