[Home]History of Stormrider

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Revision 2 . . November 29, 2007 17:35 EST by Skilgannon [Java 5 - apologies in advance =)]
Revision 1 . . November 5, 2007 20:31 EST by Skilgannon [From DrussGT]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1c1
DrussGT is going back to pure VCS, but I'll keep my DC testing going on in this bot. I'm really improving the movement, and the gun has already been tested in the rumble, with good results! Hopefully it will be part of the TopTenDCParty!
DrussGT is going back to pure VCS, but I'll keep my DC testing going on in this bot. I'm really improving the movement, and the gun has already been tested in the rumble, with good results! Hopefully it will be part of the TopTenDCParty! -- Skilgannon

Changed: 3c3
-- Skilgannon
The latest version may have problems with Java 5 - I deleted all the old class files I could find, but may have missed something. If there's a problem, give me a yell, preferably with the stack trace =) -- Skilgannon

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