Why do you use the two arraylists, does it add to the front of the array when you add it, if not I don't see how that could work. (i'm gussing since you did it that way that it does, but couldn't you be more exact then just from two rounds ago?) -- Chase-san The two ArrayList's that start wtih _surf just store the direction and absolute bearings from every tick, because you need those from 2 ticks ago when you detect an EnergyDrop. Yes, it adds to the front of them - the first argument is the position in the ArrayList if you do it like that. What do you mean "two rounds ago"? Do you mean two frames ago? The data from two frames ago is the last data that the enemy saw before firing the shot, so that's why you use it. It's all about figuring where he's aiming based on what he is seeing. -- Voidious