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Difference (from prior author revision) (minor diff)

Changed: 5c5
  • If your a beginner like I was, you should attempt the simpler stuff first, dispite however boring it might be. As it will give you a better basis for the more advanced techniques.

  • If your a beginner like I was, you should attempt the simpler stuff first, despite however boring it might be. As it will give you a better basis for the more advanced techniques.

  • Changed: 8c8
  • If you don't know how something works you can look at other bots, but just make sure to keep your fingers off the ctrl-c and ctrl-p keys.

  • If you don't know how something works you can look at other bots, but just make sure to keep your fingers off the ctrl-c and ctrl-v keys.

  • Added: 10a11
    edited by Pakistan

    Beginner Tips

    A few things I learned while making my first few bots (not to long ago at that).
    1. Make sure you comment your code, it helps you figure out what you did later. It may also lead you discover something you did wrong in your code without realizing it.
    2. If your a beginner like I was, you should attempt the simpler stuff first, despite however boring it might be. As it will give you a better basis for the more advanced techniques.
    3. If you don't know how something is suppose to work, don't spend hours trying to figure it out, just get in there and program. It normally straightens itself out as you go.
    4. Give everything a try, not just what *works* best, it can give you ideas how to make the best better
    5. If you don't know how something works you can look at other bots, but just make sure to keep your fingers off the ctrl-c and ctrl-v keys.
    by Ann edited by Pakistan


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    Last edited April 25, 2008 18:34 EST by (diff)