The current release of RoboRumble@home client has the following functionalities:
Downloading the source code and executables
You can download it from Please always download the latest version.
You can download also codesize.jar from the site, if you don't have it installed.
Just extract the ZIP file into your root directory (or where you have robocode installed). The roborumble directory should be into the robots directory (I know it's not a clean implementation. If someone is able to port it to a different package outside robots folder it would be great. It's just that I don't have IDE and use Robocode editor, so it was easier).
Then make sure you have codesize.jar installed into your "robocode" directory.
Finally, run roborumble.bat or from the command line to execute it.
Note that it will raise a lot of error messages if you are not connected to internet, but it should be OK.
For feedback use the /Testing page.
Considering a GUI in RoboRumble/GUIDevelopment
Developing the server in RoboRumble/ServerDevelopment
SSO?'s problem, by the way, may also be because of Firewall software and stuff. I'm pretty sure that Norton Internet Security (and probably other similar programs) filter out HTTP headers including the HTTP_REFERER one, which has prevented me from playing certain online games in the past. -- Kawigi
My firewall does the same but I had no problems downloading the bots. -- Kuuran
I'll try to install it right away. But I will try not to have open a special port in my firewall for tomcat and instead try to proxy to it through the apache http server listening on port 80. While doing this I might screw things up and make the wiki unavailable for short time frames. It was a while since I did a proxy setup like that... -- PEZ
created RoboRumble/Testing5 since I'm in need of some help :/ -- FnH
For people using a proxy, you'll need to add
-Dhttp.proxySet=true -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080to tha java-startup-commandline to make the downloads work ...
It would be more userfriendly if these settings could be entered in the roborumble.txt file. -- FnH
I have installed the server classes on this server now. (Thanks heaven for mod_rewrite, it rules!) Now the RESULTSURL in roborumble.txt should be set like so:
RESULTSURL= works for me, but I'm not sure if this host name works outside my LAN yet. Anyone who would like to verify that can click here: I get an error message about data missing for this bot. I have checked the "rankings" directory and the file is there for Sedan. Since Linux is case sensitive with file names I tried writing the "game" parameter with lower case (same as the file in "rankings") but it didn't help. Anyways, please let me know if you too get this error message, because that means you can reach Albert's servlet and that would be way cool. I think Albert must have set a world record in the time it took him from knowing zilch about server side Java to downloading Tomcat and have a useful servlet running. Ya'da'man Albert! -- PEZ
I'm running the client right now, and uploading a lot of results. It seems to work fine for me. But it fails to read the results once they are uploaded :-( I'w investigate. -- Albert
I GOT IT!!!! You don't have to put ".txt" at the end of the name. Use the following URL:
-- Albert
This is cooler than ice! Very good work Albert. How's the ranking calculated as it stands now? -- PEZ
I'm ,using the formula from Paul Evans based on ELO rankings, with the following considerations:
Of course, needs some testing. Probably I'w have to introduce some rule to make the new bots to move faster.
-- Albert
Just for fun I made a little shell script that produces a total from the files available. Check:
The script:
#!/bin/bash RESULT_FILE="roborumble_Totals.txt" cat /dev/null > $RESULT_FILE for file in roborumble_*_*.txt do awk -F"[ =]" ' BEGIN { OFMT = "%.2g" } /^#Rankings file for/ { name = $4" "$5 } /^ranking=/ { ranking = $2 } /^battle/ { battles += $2 } END { print ranking+0 " - " sprintf("%7d", battles) " - " name } ' $file done | sort -gr | awk ' BEGIN { print "RANKING TOTALS\n" print "GAME = roborumble\n" print "RANK: RATING - BATTLES - BOT" } { print sprintf("%4d", NR) ": " $0 } ' >> $RESULT_FILEI've just made a very quick reverse engineering on the rankings files, but I think I got it right. I think that this should become two servlets:
Could you post a sample datafile? Maybe I'll have a go at a few XSLT's transforming it in something pleasing to look at :) -- FnH
The data file format is not yet designed. Please feel free to make one up for the purpose of the XSLT development. You can assume about the same contents as the ER result table to start with I think. The XSLT need only deal with the result table I think. And no actual styling information, but instead "class=..." and then we can add the actual styling from the surrounding JSP. -- PEZ
The server should create the result pages once in a while, this way all pageviews are static, and won't have too much of a performance impact on the server (one of the problems ER is having) ... -- FnH
That's the purpose of the update-total-rankings servlet. I'm thinking that any client that has uploaded new rankings should consider running it. -- PEZ
A good idea would be to have the rankings updated once a day. Also would be nice to have the old rankings stored in the server, so you can take a look on the past and see how it evolves. Because it is hosted in the Wiki, may be a "Wiki" look and feel would be interesting. -- Albert
Maybe we could post the results on the wiki. That way the revision control would take care of the history thingy and the look and feel would solve itself. =) -- PEZ
Hrm, this data files thing is odd. Look at the detailed rankings for NanoSatan. He beat both TityusMega and Teancum, presumably on computers where they have no stored data on him, yet he also lost near shut-outs to them, presumably on computers where they do have stored data. -- Kuuran
The rankings are [here], oh, and now is a good time to update your preferences files with your usernames, so everything isn't being run by Albert :P -- Kuuran
We should decide how many rounds per match we use. I think 10 rounds is to low, as it handicaps bots that don't store data files and also it introduces excesive variance. Because we have now more power to run the battles, 20 or 30 rounds would be better? What do you think? -- Albert
It doesn't really introduce any more variance if you run 10 rounds over and over, but yes, it handicaps non-persistent bots. Maybe the 35 used in MiniBot? Most of the non-persistent MiniBots are already optimized with this in mind anyway. -- Kuuran
We have been able to run 40.000 matches in 12 hours!!! RoboRumble@home is powerful! -- Albert
Powerful indeed! While you guys have been running all those matches I have changed my totalling script so that it now posts the sorted rankings on the /RankingsTest page. It wasn't as easy as I thought at first. The wiki is a picky about the page that is posted. It must contain a reference to the old page and such so the script must parse the old page for this reference first before posting the new page. Also, all this robocoding has made my Perl head slow ... =) I won't dig in to cookie handling just yet, so for now you'll have to live with seeiing the wrong user name in the "Changes" listing. The script is just a very quick 'n dirty hack, but it might do for now and we can make a serious program for this later. I can put this script in a cron job (if you're not a Unix head this means an automatically batched job). I'll go for each half hour to begin with. Then we can change this to a less frequent run when things have matured some. I'll try to get those flags into the listing (I really like them=). Meanwhile you others can follow the excellent excample of whoever updated the participants list with all those bots. All bots in the ER would be a good start. =) -- PEZ
That'd be Albert's work. I'll get on adding any major omissions I find. -- Kuuran
If it's on a wiki page are we trusting people not to edit it? Is there some way you can password protect certain pages, a bit like wikipeadia's home page? While we are testing, i think we can trust everyone, but once people that don't use the wiki come to see how their bots are doing, trust may not be enough. -- Tango
I don't think that's a problem. All changes to the page will show in the revision control. If anyone is acting a fool like that it is as simple as restoring the correct version of the page. (That goes for the whole wiki by the way.) And, every once in a while my script will post an update anyway. -- PEZ
True. Is there any plan yet to get the server to send lists of battles to be done? The current rankings list is very uneven. Also, what conclusion did we come to for handling data files? -- Tango
Can you please add the Canadian flag as the icon for package 'arthord'? -- Kuuran
60,000 battles now. Once we get it all worked out, i don't think we are going to have any problems running enough battles to keep it stable. :-) -- Tango
I think we can leave as is. It will settle down for itself. Also, first we must make sure the ranking system works fine. Have you noticed the rating needs a lot of battles to settle down? Probably we should make it a little bit faster. About numbering, no problem. I'w add it with some minor changes (ie. delete temp directory) in the next releases. -- Albert
Perhaps the number of rounds and battlefield size should both be given somehow by the server? I think it's also time we consider log-ins and at least basic precautions, since we seem to have our basics settled. I'm also about ready to restart GUI work, things seem reasonably settled, and Albert was kind enough to add some really useful parameters for controlling the program's execution. -- Kuuran
We can use a static html page for the server side decided parameters. My client (alpha5) hangs while trying to download bots. Maybe the repository site slows down on the client like it does on humans at times? Is the client honouring any robots.txt file they might have on the repository site? If not, it might just shut the downöoad down if it feels the client is demanding too much of it. -- PEZ
I think it would be easier to (1) Upload the parameters file into the Wiki so people can download it. (2) Filter the received battles according to the specifications. It would avoid having to connect every time to the server.
I guess the number of battles count is wrong in the RankingTest? page. I counted it for a bot and the number shown is higher than the battles fought. -- Albert
Well a wiki page might do, but anyone can alter it so I thought a static page would be better. The point with making it a web file would be so that both the client and a human can download it.
I think the battles count is really a "rounds" count. Which one would you rather have? I'll either change the heading or the content. =) -- PEZ
It may be important to prevent people from changing parameters and messing up the stats, though. Also, as for the algorithm, I think it's fine, the reason it's taking so long to stabilize is likely because 90%+ of the bots came in together near the 1600 mark, and rankings are relative, so they're taking a long time diffusing. -- Kuuran
Rounds is better. If people can change the number of rounds it will be meaningless if it's battles. -- Tango
I agree, I suspect the battles count is a rounds count, though I've noticed it's always in multiples of 11, I think it's counting an extra match for some reason. -- Kuuran
Oh dear, it appears some bots are throwing exceptions or timing out (it happens, especially in older bots). They and their opponents end up with divisions by zero in their rankings! This may actually be some fault in robocode as these matches seem to be from the last few I ran in a batch of 1000 battles, it's possibly that robocode's known to be buggy memory management (remember SandboxDT crashing?) started frying the bigger more memory-intensive bots by leaving them no memory to play in. This is just a guess, of course. -- Kuuran
Oh! I'w try to fix it ASAP, but it won't be before this night.
When I was running Face2face, I was getting memory problems when I was running long series (that's why I made RoboRumble@home iterative). In any case, we need to filter it!
-- Albert
Indeed, we should probably just discard matches with 0 scores on either side, they're rarely valid. In other news, the NaNs are spreading, any bot fighting something with that rank will get it after the battle. -- Kuuran
Well, I'll leave the totalling script until anyone of you have any suggestions for it or I come up with an idea for it (whichever comes first). Is it OK to use a wiki page you think? I kinda like it. Any comments someone might have about the current rankings or movement in the rankings can be made by just editing the page (the wiki way). And the revision control will let us browse previous rankings with ease. As long as people editing the page remember to check "This change is a minor edit" each revision of the page will correspond to a rankings update. (Provided someone ran Roborumble@Home that day, which seems likely). Let us know what you think. -- PEZ
I certainly like it. -- Kuuran
I think it works well, although the current page is called "test", which will need to be changed when we go live. -- Tango
I like it also. -- Albert
kawigi.SpareParts 0.7.nosnd crashes RoboRumble@home. It happened to me twice. Some else has noticed it? -- Albert
I haven't had this problem yet, and since I've run about 2000 battles I think SpareParts would've come up at least once. So I'm going to guess it might have something to do with your system or your copy of SpareParts. Does SpareParts run properly in a normal match started from within Robocode? -- Kuuran
It was running some battles (Beta 1) and then it stopped:
# # HotSpot Virtual Machine Error, Internal Error # Please report this error at # # # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.4.0_01-b03 mixed mode) # # Error ID: 43113F2652414D452D41503F491418160E435050005B # # Problematic Thread: prio=5 tid=0x009D2348 nid=0xa98 runnable #
Should i report it to that url? -- Tango
Typo: "Uloading Results..." should be "Uploading Results..." -- Tango
Never mind, it's just JVM crashing. No need to report it. --
The JVM seems to be doing this quite alot overhere ... I already lost alot of good data this way :/ Any idea what's causing it? -- FnH
Just noticed you don't lose data when the JVM crashes. Well done Albert :) -- FnH
I've had some problems with the JVM slowing my system to a crawl after running RoboRumble overnight, but since the CPU consumption was minimal (actually less than normal when RoboRumble was running) I believe it was a memory issue. It's possible you're having some memory issues of your own. I know RoboRumble was made iterative to avoid alot of these problems, but the java process doesn't die between iterations, only the robocode one on the JVM does, so not all the mess seems to be cleaned up. Could your issue be something related (is this happening after alot of hard running, possibly concurrent with robocode?)?
And yes, it all gets saved to a text file match by match, Albert's idea of disintegrating everything was a good one. So all your partials will be uploaded next time you complete a run. -- Kuuran
I've put the following in the bat-file and now it can run all night :)
cd robots :run java -Xmx100M -cp .;../robocode.jar; roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome ./roborumble/roborumble.txt goto run-- FnH