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Showing revision 11
I'm new to Robocode, but I sounds pretty cool to program bots in Java. I try to setup a simple one to get into Robocode development. That works for me and now I try to learn about movement and targeting.

Anyway, to pimp up this wiki I use this Stylesheet: http://snippsnapp.polite.se/oldstyle/wiki.css

You can always contact me via InstantMessenger.

You should visit that Preferences page at least. =) Jokes aside, I reinstalled the old stylesheet. The new one is in the same place as the current one, but named wiki.new.css for lack of a more creative one. Maybe if SchwarzerPeter tweaks it some he can get it to display better in IE and we can switch fully then. Though IE's lack of CSS support is really bugging. Whenever I try to implement stylesheet-centered design I end up doing "hacks" to trick IE. -- PEZ

I started IE to take a look at RoboWiki, but I can't see a complicated layout with it. Using Firefox most of the time I notice some minor differences, but the Wiki is still good looking. Maybe the headings could be slightly smaller, but I really don't see what you're complaining. Can you help me? -- SchwarzerPeter

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Edited April 21, 2005 11:08 EST by SchwarzerPeter (diff)