[Home]History of Apollon

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Revision 30 . . June 1, 2004 13:35 EST by Deathcon [fixed a bug in a code snipped]
Revision 29 . . May 5, 2004 20:01 EST by PEZ

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 57c57
predictedVelocity += (predictedVelocity * moveDir < 0 ? 2*moveDir : moveDir)
predictedVelocity += (predictedVelocity * moveDir < 0 ? 2*moveDir : moveDir);

Changed: 70c70
return Math.max(-min, Math.min(value, max));
return Math.max(min, Math.min(value, max));

Changed: 121c121
That's what I do in PPP and I think that's what Apollon does too, as does RaikoMX and possibly other surfers. -- PEZ
That's what I do in PPP and I think that's what Apollon does too, as does RaikoMX and possibly other surfers. -- PEZ

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