[Home]History of DrussGT/TODO

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Revision 2 . . July 2, 2008 14:01 EST by Skilgannon [completed some....]
Revision 1 . . July 1, 2008 2:40 EST by Skilgannon

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Removed: 2d1
* Get precise GF boundary code working on other gun variant

Changed: 4,7c3,6
* Add advancing velocity to movement
* Iron out every single possible bug
* Speed up execution to prevent skipped turns
** possibly make True Surfing variant?
* Iron out every single possible bug - is this possible?
* Speed up execution to prevent skipped turns
** possibly make True Surfing variant?
** A work in progress =) Speeded up buffer retrieval code

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