[Home]History of DrussGT/VersionHistory

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Revision 95 . . (edit) March 11, 2009 21:22 EST by Skilgannon [1.3.2]
Revision 94 . . December 9, 2008 21:32 EST by wblv-ip-pcache-4-vif1.telkom-ipnet.co.za [1.3.1, 1.3.2]
Revision 93 . . September 11, 2008 6:47 EST by Skilgannon [1.3.0]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Added: 0a1,8
*Add a virtual gun with Waylander's gun (and did a bit of refactoring to allow more virtual guns to be easily added inside the wave code)
** Mostly just a proof of concept, I don't think it will do much to help my score - next in line will be developing a dedicated AntiSurfer gun
* Also added Rednaxela's FastTrig?. Not sure how much it will help, as my sin/cosine use is fairly limited. A sqrt/acos version would probably speed DrussGT up the most...

* Change the gun time-based attributes to use the forumula Rednaxela used, ie. position = 1/(1 + k*time)

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