[Home]History of FuzzyLogicTargeting

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Revision 14 . . (edit) November 14, 2006 21:29 EST by Chase-san
Revision 12 . . November 14, 2006 19:48 EST by David Alves [sounds good]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff)

Changed: 54c54,56
Sounds like a good way of handling the issue I mentioned. =)--David Alves
Sounds like a good way of handling the issue I mentioned. =)--David Alves

If I remember correctly FuzzyLogic? is just a possible set of data between two well defined sets of data (or even two other possible sets of data). However if you wanted to do a "pure" FuzzyLogic? gun, you would have to define it as something like, the bot was here and now its here, so now it should be between here and that other place. I personally think a "good" Pure FuzzyLogic? gun is fiction. Sure you could make a pure fuzzylogic gun, but I doupt it would fire anywhere near the correct vectors. Thus I think at best it could be used as a add on to a already existing gun type (one that atleast has some margin of success). Being a little fuzzy about where your enemy is going to be is gonna make you miss, IMHO. -- Chase-san

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