[Home]History of Gaff

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Revision 24 . . (edit) August 21, 2008 7:55 EST by Darkcanuck [Gaff 1.28]
Revision 23 . . August 18, 2008 3:03 EST by Darkcanuck [Updated Gaff 1.26]
Revision 22 . . August 7, 2008 21:35 EST by Darkcanuck [updated for 1.24]
Revision 21 . . July 31, 2008 23:12 EST by Darkcanuck [updated for version 1.20]
Revision 20 . . June 28, 2008 7:27 EST by Darkcanuck [Updated for version 1.10]
Revision 19 . . June 28, 2008 3:58 EST by Rednaxela [Cheers!]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 12c12
Probably not very, but my goal is for Gaff to become a ProblemBot for as many contenders as possible.
My goal is for Gaff to become a ProblemBot for as many contenders as possible.

Changed: 14c14
Version 1.20 reached position #117 in the rumble, and 1.24 is just outside the top-100 (at 1446 battles).
Version 1.24 reached position #97 in the rumble.

Changed: 17c17,20
Gaff's basic movement is to try and to push enemies into the corners to narrow their escape angle and expose near-wall profile flaws. But version 1.10 now has multi-mode movement, so if the basic strategy loses, he moves on to the next one which is a simple orbital-style movement. The third one is hard to explain, since it came about accidentally when I hacked together the orbital movement -- it seems to fool some bots for a bit though.
Gaff was originally based on a cornering movement which tried to push enemies into the corners to narrow their escape angle and expose near-wall profile flaws. But since version 1.10, Gaff uses a multi-mode movement, consisting of:
* the basic cornering movement
* a simple orbital-style movement with bullet avoidance
* a random orbital-style movement which attempts to put Gaff at a random GF every time the opponent fires.

Changed: 19,25c22
Version 1.20 dropped the third movement style and fixed many bugs in the other two styles.

Version 1.24 smoothed out the orbital movement and made the bullet prediction adapt more quickly. A new third mode -- random orbital -- has been added and Gaff will stick with this mode if the other two were losing.

There's also some randomness mixed in, plus the bullet prediction/dodging code from Leon.

They're not intended to be a very sophisticated movements but can confuse some bots.
The cornering and simple orbital movement have a bit of randomness mixed in, plus the bullet prediction/dodging code from Leon. The random orbit makes no attempt to predict or dodge.

Removed: 28d24
Uses an array of VirtualGuns including one HOT, one circular and three neural networks (multi-layer perceptron classifiers) which continuously evaluate firing angles. Guns are selected randomly, weighted by their virtual hit rates. This is still very much a work in progress.

Changed: 30c26
Cut back to a single neural-network with one hidden layer no hidden layers. The code still assumes an array and is nicely pluggable so that I can test different combinations if I feel the need to go back to multiple guns.
Uses a single neural-network with one hidden layer no hidden layers. The code still assumes a virtual gun array and is nicely pluggable so that I can test different combinations if I feel the need to go back to multiple guns.

Added: 62a59,68
* 1.28: Minor tweaks to cornering and movement selection
** Cornering no longer selected when Gaff is already cornered.
** Damage differential now reset every round
* 1.26: Tweaked movement to improve performance against worst ProblemBots and a selection of top bots. No targeting changes.
** Cornering movement now used only when Gaff has a significant energy advantage
** Random and dodging orbital styles selected based on current damage differential; now switches with same round if needed.
** Bullet predictor decay rate decreased dramatically for faster adaptation.
** Distancing adjusted to make orbital modes similar and decrease advantage of segmenting on distance (makes a big difference).
** Fixed some bugs in the random mode which resulted in strange moves.
** Ranked 106 in OneOnOne (1805.94pts, 2059 battles, 20-Aug-2008)

Added: 68a75
** Ranked 97 in OneOnOne (1816.7pts, 2061 battles, 17-Aug-2008)

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