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Revision 18 . . June 5, 2004 3:28 EST by Jamougha
Revision 17 . . June 4, 2004 17:13 EST by PEZ

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 91c91,93
I can't find the Dave's PBI discussion. I know I promised to look into if I could implement it in the ranking servlets, but I can't finde the page... What was the formula again? -- PEZ
I can't find the Dave's PBI discussion. I know I promised to look into if I could implement it in the ranking servlets, but I can't finde the page... What was the formula again? -- PEZ

The page was Requests, and the formula was (actual ranking difference - predicted ranking difference). -- Jamougha

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