[Home]History of Horizon/HorizonGT

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Revision 3 . . October 1, 2007 8:21 EST by AaronR [Sounds good]
Revision 2 . . October 1, 2007 7:01 EST by Skilgannon [BasicGTSurfer?]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Removed: 3,4d2
More coming soon...

Changed: 7c5,7
I'm thinking of making a BasicGTSurfer - anybody interested? -- Skilgannon
I'm thinking of making a BasicGTSurfer - anybody interested? -- Skilgannon

Sounds good... hopefully it would be better than this attempt, which I just saw ranks a number of places lower than the main Horizon version. -- AaronR

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