For me, I do minibots (especially NanoBots) because I can turn around an idea so quickly and give it a shot. That, in combination with simpler bots and simpler ideas makes understanding what's going on easier. I also find competing in the Mini leagues just as challenging (and rewarding) as MegaBots - but I'm able to create a new Nano from scratch in an hour or so. It takes days or weeks to get a competative Megabot. Finally, I enjoy code optimization. I do it every day at work and it's something I really good at. Larget bots don't require this (until your trying to do too much in a tick) smaller bots thrive on this. The better you optimize, the more tactics a bot can use. I still remember when Nanos had no lead routines and their movement was either in cicles or hit wall and reverse. We've come along way since then. :) -- Miked0801 What I have found with doing minibots is that I learn more about robocode. In a megabot I can just throw in code for my ideas, but in a minibot (even more so in micro's and nano's) I have to judge the importance of each idea and whether it is worth the bytes it is coded with. Hopefully some time I can put it all together and create a monsterbot -- tobe