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Revision 6 . . February 21, 2007 21:14 EST by Nfwu
Revision 5 . . February 3, 2007 22:28 EST by Chase-san [comment]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Added: 6a7,13


* 1.0.Carr (Rumble)
** Experimental Version of Carruthers with some gus removed, a few anti-grav parameters tweaked, and a basic structure to start out on.
** (I scrapped my rewrite)
* 1.0.0 (Planned)
** Using Circular predictors in the AntiGravityMovement to get some advantages MinimumRiskMovement, while using some Chess strategems to avoid dead-locks.

Changed: 17c24
** True, however it depends on implimentation, but in my case I mean the melee kind. --Chase-san
** True, however it depends on implimentation, but in my case I mean the melee kind. --Chase-san

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