[Home]History of RamBots

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Revision 36 . . (edit) August 12, 2008 8:29 EST by Jab [Rumble Best RamBot :P]
Revision 35 . . August 11, 2008 23:29 EST by Jab
Revision 34 . . (edit) February 29, 2008 20:36 EST by Rednaxela [fix typo]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 17c17
* jab.micro.Sanguijuela
* jab.micro.Sanguijuela

Added: 63a64,65

Sanguijuela is waiting to be defeated in the Rumble Pure Rammers Category! If the opponent is a MicroBot it will be better :P --Jab?

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