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I think the 94+ against GRG has something to do with fighting further/closer. I remember doing one of those improved my score against both GRG and SPL, but hurt my score against the top bots. The RaikoMicro thing also puzzles me, seeing as I do better against him in the rumble, and my gun scores worse against him in the TCRM than Phoenix. It might have to do with attack/retreat angles? I'm not sure. As to getting higher scores against Waylander, time-based segments really help (DrussGT has 3 different time-based segments in the movement). They also help for confusing the anti-surfer guns because your movement isn't following the basic segmentation pattern the antisurfer guns are designed for. However, one thing to know about this version of Waylander is that it didn't have anything to stop it from matching or more importantly replaying across rounds. As such, the delta-heading sometimes gives wacky results from a round-break, causing Waylander to tend to shoot slightly more often towards GF0 than it should. Food for thought. -- Skilgannon
I think the 94+ against GRG has something to do with fighting further/closer. I remember doing one of those improved my score against both GRG and SPL, but hurt my score against the top bots. The RaikoMicro thing also puzzles me, seeing as I do better against him in the rumble, and my gun scores worse against him in the TCRM than Phoenix. It might have to do with attack/retreat angles? I'm not sure. As to getting higher scores against Waylander, time-based segments really help (DrussGT has 3 different time-based segments in the movement). They also help for confusing the anti-surfer guns because your movement isn't following the basic segmentation pattern the antisurfer guns are designed for. However, one thing to know about this version of Waylander is that it didn't have anything to stop it from matching or more importantly replaying across rounds. As such, the delta-heading sometimes gives wacky results from a round-break, causing Waylander to tend to shoot slightly more often towards GF0 than it should. Food for thought. -- Skilgannon
Hmm, interesting thoughts on those various things. As far as closer or further, I'm suspecting further is what would help against GRG and SPL, considering that the Raiko gun probably hits them better at far range than they hit you at far range. As far as Waylander goes, while time-based segments probably help a lot I'm still a bit concerned, because it seems like everything I've done to improve Sub1 performance kills Waylander performance more and more. One thought about the RaikoMicro thing, is that while you may score better against RaikoMicro in the rumble despite a worse gun against it, it's probably something to do with the way that the MC2K7 RaikoMicro is modified to fight close range. I'm probably going to get to sleep soon, but one thing that I'm trying overnight for MC44, is making it attempt to dodge the wave hitting the front of my bot, instead of the center of me like I've been doing. I'm not certain how well this will work yet, but it is looking like it might be promising at least for Sub1, considering that 4 seasons in my Sub1 score is over 94, though I'm not terribly optimistic about if that will hold after more seasons. We'll see when I wake up in the morning though. The issue with this change is that it means it stops dodging a wave as soon as it hits the front of the bot and thus it may be more likely to get hit on the side as it moves. I do have plans to fix this though, in a way that shouldn't detract from any advantages that may be brought by trying to keep the front edge of the bot safe. -- Rednaxela