[Home]History of SymbolicDynamicSegmentation

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Revision 10 . . July 29, 2006 8:56 EST by 1Cust5440.an3.sea18.da.uu.net
Revision 9 . . July 23, 2005 2:20 EST by as5300b-053.focal.isomedia.com

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 23c23,25
That is a realllly slow gun. I just adapted it to ChumbaWumba, and it runs at about 30-40 fps versus a normal unmodded chumbawumba. -- AaronKrill
That is a realllly slow gun. I just adapted it to ChumbaWumba, and it runs at about 30-40 fps versus a normal unmodded chumbawumba. -- AaronKrill

Its really odd going throught the wiki and seeing comments on things I don't remember doing. -- Krillr

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