GrubbmOne is the first robot I made, a merge between SpinBot and TrackFire. It acted as a testbot for the MegaBot GrubbmGrb.
mini.GrubbmOne: micro.GrubbmOne:
Not really important, although the micro version (0.3) beats the 1600 barrier.
The mini version stabelized at 1500+.
Its melee-performance is significantly better.
It is derived from SpinBot, so guess . . .
Linear / circular targeting.
Eeehh, just by circling around at high speed
In one-on-one no regular radar-sweep (for micro no difference)
It avoids nothing, it selects the target on distance, gunangle and energy (micro only distance).
Taken from my nickname, it means something like 'dry ditch near a farm'.
It's in the jar.
GrubbmOne has reached End of Development, this time for real.
Not anymore
Basically on SpinBot and TrackFire.
20061230: Also retired from meleerumble as I have far better micro's participating there. Its days as one-on-one bot were over a long time ago.
20050303: v 0.5 Micro -- FINAL VERSION. introduces 'not quite circular' movement.
Rank Mega:251 -- Rating:1485 -- PL:248 Rank MegaMelee?:67 -- Rating:1592
Rank Mini:112 -- Rating:1563 -- PL:105 Rank MiniMelee?:28 -- Rating:1643
Rank Micro:72 -- Rating:1585 -- PL: 72 Rank MicroMelee?:17 -- Rating:1670
Comment: Kept on the Rumble for sentimental reasons and its quite acceptable melee performance.
20050301: v 0.4 Micro -- refactored CT-gun introducing a bug with disabled opponents.
Comment: buggy version, forget it ever existed.
20041029: v 0.3 Micro -- ready for melee now (RobocodeLittleLeague) plus very small bulletpower adjustment.
Rank Mega:236 -- Rating:1507 -- PL:207 Rank MegaMelee?:81 -- Rating:1554
Rank Mini: 89 -- Rating:1568 -- PL: 82 Rank MiniMelee?:29 -- Rating:1626
Rank Micro:49 -- Rating:1608 -- PL: 45 Rank MicroMelee?:19 -- Rating:1655
Comment: see RobocodeLittleLeague that it reached #9 in melee.
20041026: v 0.2 Micro -- removed movement-masking, added victory-dance :-) End of development.
Rank Mega:237 -- Rating:1508 -- PL:216
Rank Mini: 88 -- Rating:1568 -- PL: 87
Rank Micro:50 -- Rating:1606 -- PL: 49
Comment: I breached the 1600-barrier !!! (ok, its a micro, but still)
20041016: v 0.1 Micro -- as 0.7 Mini, without melee-stuff, precise tracking, wall-avoidance and victory-dance :-( . Including some masking of circular behaviour.
Rank Mega:232 -- Rating:1510 -- PL:222
Rank Mini: 90 -- Rating:1560 -- PL: 87
Rank Micro:55 -- Rating:1580 -- PL: 55
I think I remove all the melee-stuff and try to fit it in micro. -- GrubbmGait
what's the difference between GrubbmOne and GrubbmOneMini?, apart from the different rating? They both seem to be mini's. --Loki
At this moment only the gun, HOT against LinearTargeting.
The next version of GrubbmOne will not be a mini anymore. While (still) developing it, I felt sorry that I would not have a mini participant anymore. Therefor I fitted the linear targeting gun into the old version 0.5, squeezed here and there and GrubbmOneMini? was born.
The next version of GrubbmOne(Mega) will be a structured design which can be extended with more than one movement / gun etc. I am afraid that it will not be ready for release this month.
Note that both versions are initially made for melee.
I can withdraw GrubbmOne for the time being until the next version is ready. I don't know what is common practice in such a matter. -- GrubbmGait
It's not a problem that both are minis, i just wandered about the differences. Its nice to see your bots climb the rankings, isn't it? --Loki
It's nice indeed, although they are slowly sinking again. -- GrubbmGait
This is normal... Sometimes we just have to make mistakes in order to get in the right path. Don't give up, Robocoding requires lots of brain, but much more guts... Obstination is the name of the path! -- Axe
I definitely will not give up! In november I will defeat the 1600 barrier and leave the kindergarten. -- GrubbmGait
Let me add that I was a bottom feeder for a while in the old RoboRumble. It took a lot of effort to jump to the middle of the pack then. Bots today are much better so you need to work that much harder. Do not give up though. It is a really great moment when you cross the devide and you see your bot jump a couple of hundred points. Keep it up! Don't hesitate to ask questions. -- jim