If you entered a bot into the competition, you could consider to collaborate running the competition by using your computer to execute battles and upload results (similar to Seti@home project). The process is fully automated, so there is no pain on doing it.
The same for the meleerumble:
And also for the teamrumble:
Sweet. Much easier now thanks. How can I control how many battles are run at once? Or should I just setup a for loop in a batch file for that? --Miked0801
this bash script will be good for unix "roborumbler". Run forever battles, it catch standard and error stream and put it to a file in the directory ./log/tempNUMBER_OF_BATTLE.txt (the script have to be in the roborumble directory). For Linux: save it to a file in the roborumble directory, right click and set the file executable, create a directory called "log", then run the script from shell:
#!/bin/bash echo # new line count=0 while [ "$var1" != "fine" ] # forever do let "count=count+1" echo "battle n: " $count sh roborumble.sh &> ./log/temp$count.txt echo done exit 0
p.s.: it's very useful for catch error, someone can traslate the script in windows's dos? Asdasd
Wow - is 256MB still the default for the rumble? Why not at least 512, if robocode's default itself is 512? -- Simonton
I'm not sure - maybe because the GUI takes a lot of memory? -- Skilgannon
Ehh, the GUI shouldn't, not compared to many adaptive bots (particularly log targeting). Personally I always set 512MB in the rumble, and the only time I've had an out of memory problem with 512MB was when some particularly memory-heavy team (can't remember which one) was going. Personally I'd support defaulting to 512MB, at least for teams/melee, if Fnl is listening :-) -- Rednaxela
Can someone please zip a new update, i've unzipped the archives above and still get a ton of "Ignoring xxx..." message because they weren't download...thank you! (or even better someone start a new repository and put the zipped bots there...) --Starrynte