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Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Added: 0a1,7
0.2.0: Codesize: 1499
* 0.1.4 but with the surfing fixed to use both the unsegmented and the segmented buffers, plus some dodgy shrinking techniques

0.1.4: Codesize: 1497
* Merge in Toorkild's gun, but have to simplify the surfing buffer to less dimensions
** Accidentally packaged with only the main surfing buffer working, not the unsegmented buffer. Decided to release anyways as research.

0.2.0: Codesize: 1499

0.1.4: Codesize: 1497

0.1.3: Codesize: 1482

0.1.2: Codesize: 1498

0.1.1: Codesize: 1494 Score: 2059

0.1.0: Codesize: 1498 Score: 2014

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Last edited September 30, 2008 21:46 EST by wblv-ip-pcache-1-vif0.telkom-ipnet.co.za (diff)