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Robot NameTotal ScoreSurvivalLast survivor bonusBullet DamageBonusRam DamgageBonus1st2nd3rd
1st: abc.Tron 2.02 962379 593350 68510 263050 36525 783 159 529 263 86
2nd: rz.GlowBlowMelee 1.3 824780 562100 28340 209272 24677 389 0 218 386 187
3rd: wee.Gem 1.8.4 576415 407250 11440 141164 15066 1323 169 88 82 137
4th: pez.femto.WallsPoetHaiku 0.1 570257 390650 8840 152493 11714 6070 489 68 86 138
5th: tango.Recrimpo 1.1 430059 316650 3770 102147 6412 1020 59 29 52 89
6th: sample.Walls 385760 334250 390 48192 1904 1010 13 3 7 60
7th: sample.Crazy 374225 347250 0 24537 326 2101 9 0 17 101
8th: pez.femto.WallsPoet 0.2 368938 280350 3120 74420 3931 6524 591 24 23 47
9th: sample.MyFirstRobot 309180 283900 1820 22476 452 531 0 14 30 57
10th: sample.Corners 308179 264700 2210 39133 1826 309 0 17 25 36
11th: sample.Tracker 289829 232850 130 50030 5031 1651 137 1 9 10
12th: sample.RamFire 261986 197250 130 45739 798 14257 3810 1 0 9
13th: sample.TrackFire 248611 164550 910 77681 5469 0 0 7 11 19
14th: sample.Fire 217339 171500 390 43283 2166 0 0 3 9 25

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Last edited October 17, 2003 22:02 EST by Tango (diff)