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Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Added: 2a3,8

* 1.06 - Rating: 1869

Added: 5a12,13

Yep, that was luck, but I'm still very very happy with the final score! -- Voidious

I'll track RRGC scores for Lukious' gun here. The first version I posted is for version 1.06, which scored an 86.36 in the TC2K6.

I am rubbing my eyes as it crushes DookiSaberRRGC 1.10 over the first ~25 pairings, but I believe it must be quite a bit of luck. =)

-- Voidious

Yep, that was luck, but I'm still very very happy with the final score! -- Voidious

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Last edited August 24, 2006 18:04 EST by Voidious (diff)