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Difference (from prior major revision) (author diff)

Changed: 1c1,2
* 0.12 - Unholy union of PatternMatching and GuessFactor guns. :) Added a second gun, a GF gun whose data comes from the aim of the PM gun each time it fires a real bullet. They're in a VirtualGuns setup.
* 0.13 - Merged in movement from Dookious 0.791.
* 0.12 - Unholy union of PatternMatching and GuessFactor guns. :) Added a second gun, a GF gun whose data comes from the aim of the PM gun each time it fires a real bullet. They're in a VirtualGuns setup. Rating: 1963 (22nd), PL: 395-17 (16th)

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Last edited February 15, 2006 8:56 EST by Voidious (diff)