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Difference (from prior minor revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 5,6c5,6
* This software is made available under the RoboWiki Public Code License (RWPCL). The full text of
* the license may be found at http://robowiki.net/cgi-bin/robowiki?RWPCL.
* This software is made available under the RoboWiki Limited Public Code License (RWLPCL). The full
* text of the license may be found at http://robowiki.net/cgi-bin/robowiki?RWLPCL.

Added: 9a10,13
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;

Changed: 13,14c17,18
* Event listener interfaces. Objects that wish to be notified of events must extend one of these
* subinterfaces.
* A pluggable listener and strategy architecture for a robot.
* http://robowiki.net/cgi-bin/robowiki?PluggableRobot

Changed: 17,22c21,162
public interface EventListener? {
public interface BulletHitBullet? extends EventListener? {
* Called by PluggableRobot when a bullet fired by your robot has hit another bullet.
public void notifyBulletHitBullet?(BulletHitBulletEvent? event);
public abstract class PluggableRobot extends AdvancedRobot {
private static boolean _battleInitialized = false;
private static Hud _hud;

private ListenerDelegate? _listenerDelegate;
private ArrayList<Component> _components;
private ArrayList<Hud.Painter> _painters;
private Point2D.Double _center;

* Sets up the ListenerDelegate? and the Component and Painter lists.
protected PluggableRobot() {
_listenerDelegate = new ListenerDelegate?();
_components = new ArrayList<Component>();
_painters = new ArrayList<Hud.Painter>();

* Set up the robot, then continuously collect events and invoke components.
public final void run() {
// Initialize battle (at start of first round only)
if(!_battleInitialized) {
_hud = new Hud(this);
_battleInitialized = true;

// Register custom event test() hook for event manager
addCustomEvent(new Condition("eventManager") {
public boolean test() {
return false;

// Round is starting

// Main loop
while(true) {
for(Component component : _components) {


* This method will be called at the beginning of a battle. Robots can override this method to
* initialize their properties. This is a good place to initialize static properties or set your
* tank color.
protected void initializeBattle() {
// Default implementation does nothing

* This method will be called at the beginning of each round. Robots can override this method to
* initialize their properties. This is a good place to set up non-static properties and
* register listeners, painters and components.
protected void initializeRound() {
// Default implementation does nothing

* Called before events get processed each tick. The default implementation does nothing.
public void onBeforeEventsProcessed?() {
// Do nothing

* Returns a Point2D.Double object representing the center of the battlefield.
public Point2D.Double getCenter() {
if(_center == null) {
_center = new Point2D.Double(getBattleFieldWidth?() / 2, getBattleFieldHeight?() / 2);

return _center;

* Registers the given EventListener?, which will cause it to receive notifications of the events
* indicated by the listener interfaces it implements.
protected void registerListener(EventListener? listener) {

* Reigsters the given Component, which will give it the opportunity to act each turn.
protected void registerComponent(Component component) {

* Reigsters the given Painter, which will give it the opportunity to draw on the HUD each turn.
protected void registerPainter(Hud.Painter painter) {

* Hand out notifications to the Painters.
public final void onPaint(Graphics2D g) {
_hud.setContext(g); // Inject the graphics context into the Hud

for(Hud.Painter painter : _painters) {
painter.paint(_hud, getTime());

_hud.setContext(null); // Clear the injected graphics context

* Process all the events in the queue.
private void handleEvents() {

// Since we have our own event manager, we want to prevent overrides of the Robocode event
// methods, so we'll make them final.

public final void onCustomEvent(CustomEvent event) {

public final void onDeath(DeathEvent? event) {

Changed: 25,29c165,166
public interface BulletHit? extends EventListener? {
* Called by PluggableRobot when a bullet fired by your robot has hit another robot.
public void notifyBulletHit?(BulletHitEvent? event);
public final void onSkippedTurn(SkippedTurnEvent? event) {

Changed: 32,36c169,170
public interface BulletMissed? extends EventListener? {
* Called by PluggableRobot when a bullet fired by your robot has hit a wall.
public void notifyBulletMissed?(BulletMissedEvent? event);
public final void onBulletHit?(BulletHitEvent? event) {

Changed: 39,43c173,174
public interface Death extends EventListener? {
* Called by PluggableRobot when your robot has been destroyed.
public void notifyDeath(DeathEvent? event);
public final void onBulletHitBullet?(BulletHitBulletEvent? event) {

Changed: 46,50c177,178
public interface HitByBullet? extends EventListener? {
* Called by PluggableRobot when your robot has been hit by an enemy bullet.
public void notifyHitByBullet?(HitByBulletEvent? event);
public final void onBulletMissed?(BulletMissedEvent? event) {

Changed: 53,57c181,182
public interface HitRobot? extends EventListener? {
* Called by PluggableRobot when your robot has collided with another robot.
public void notifyHitRobot?(HitRobotEvent? event);
public final void onHitByBullet?(HitByBulletEvent? event) {

Changed: 60,64c185,186
public interface HitWall? extends EventListener? {
* Called by PluggableRobot when your robot has collided with a wall.
public void notifyHitWall?(HitWallEvent? event);
public final void onHitRobot?(HitRobotEvent? event) {

Changed: 67,71c189,190
public interface RobotDeath? extends EventListener? {
* Called by PluggableRobot when an enemy robot has been destroyed.
public void notifyRobotDeath?(RobotDeathEvent? event);
public final void onHitWall?(HitWallEvent? event) {

Changed: 74,78c193,194
public interface ScannedRobot extends EventListener? {
* Called by PluggableRobot when your radar has swept over an enemy robot.
public void notifyScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent event);
public final void onRobotDeath?(RobotDeathEvent? event) {

Changed: 81,85c197,198
public interface SkippedTurn extends EventListener? {
* Called by PluggableRobot when your robot skipped a turn.
public void notifySkippedTurn(SkippedTurnEvent? event);
public final void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent event) {

Changed: 88,92c201,202
public interface Win extends EventListener? {
* Called by PluggableRobot when all robots besides yours have been destroyed.
public void notifyWin(WinEvent? event);
public final void onWin(WinEvent? event) {

Changed: 95c205

 * PluggableRobot, by Robert J. Walker
 * Home page: http://robowiki.net/cgi-bin/robowiki?PluggableRobot
 * This software is made available under the RoboWiki Limited Public Code License (RWLPCL). The full
 * text of the license may be found at http://robowiki.net/cgi-bin/robowiki?RWLPCL.
package rjw.pluggablerobot;

import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import robocode.*;

 * A pluggable listener and strategy architecture for a robot.
 * http://robowiki.net/cgi-bin/robowiki?PluggableRobot
 * @author Robert J. Walker
public abstract class PluggableRobot extends AdvancedRobot {
	private static boolean _battleInitialized = false;
	private static Hud _hud;

	private ListenerDelegate _listenerDelegate;
	private ArrayList<Component> _components;
	private ArrayList<Hud.Painter> _painters;
	private Point2D.Double _center;

	 * Sets up the ListenerDelegate and the Component and Painter lists.
	protected PluggableRobot() {
		_listenerDelegate = new ListenerDelegate();
		_components = new ArrayList<Component>();
		_painters = new ArrayList<Hud.Painter>();

	 * Set up the robot, then continuously collect events and invoke components.
	public final void run() {
		// Initialize battle (at start of first round only)
		if(!_battleInitialized) {
			_hud = new Hud(this);
			_battleInitialized = true;

		// Register custom event test() hook for event manager
		addCustomEvent(new Condition("eventManager") {
			public boolean test() {
				return false;

		// Round is starting

		// Main loop
		while(true) {
			for(Component component : _components) {


	 * This method will be called at the beginning of a battle. Robots can override this method to
	 * initialize their properties. This is a good place to initialize static properties or set your
	 * tank color.
	protected void initializeBattle() {
		// Default implementation does nothing

	 * This method will be called at the beginning of each round. Robots can override this method to
	 * initialize their properties. This is a good place to set up non-static properties and
	 * register listeners, painters and components.
	protected void initializeRound() {
		// Default implementation does nothing

	 * Called before events get processed each tick. The default implementation does nothing.
	public void onBeforeEventsProcessed() {
		// Do nothing

	 * Returns a Point2D.Double object representing the center of the battlefield.
	public Point2D.Double getCenter() {
		if(_center == null) {
			_center = new Point2D.Double(getBattleFieldWidth() / 2, getBattleFieldHeight() / 2); 

		return _center;

	 * Registers the given EventListener, which will cause it to receive notifications of the events
	 * indicated by the listener interfaces it implements.
	protected void registerListener(EventListener listener) {

	 * Reigsters the given Component, which will give it the opportunity to act each turn.
	protected void registerComponent(Component component) {

	 * Reigsters the given Painter, which will give it the opportunity to draw on the HUD each turn.
	protected void registerPainter(Hud.Painter painter) {

	 * Hand out notifications to the Painters.
	public final void onPaint(Graphics2D g) {
		_hud.setContext(g); // Inject the graphics context into the Hud

		for(Hud.Painter painter : _painters) {
			painter.paint(_hud, getTime());

		_hud.setContext(null); // Clear the injected graphics context

	 * Process all the events in the queue.
	private void handleEvents() {

	// Since we have our own event manager, we want to prevent overrides of the Robocode event
	// methods, so we'll make them final.

	public final void onCustomEvent(CustomEvent event) {

	public final void onDeath(DeathEvent event) {

	public final void onSkippedTurn(SkippedTurnEvent event) {

	public final void onBulletHit(BulletHitEvent event) {

	public final void onBulletHitBullet(BulletHitBulletEvent event) {

	public final void onBulletMissed(BulletMissedEvent event) {

	public final void onHitByBullet(HitByBulletEvent event) {

	public final void onHitRobot(HitRobotEvent event) {

	public final void onHitWall(HitWallEvent event) {

	public final void onRobotDeath(RobotDeathEvent event) {

	public final void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent event) {

	public final void onWin(WinEvent event) {

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Last edited November 3, 2007 0:49 EST by RobertWalker (diff)