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by Rednaxela

What's special about it?

Well, not too much really. It's my first bot that will go public. Hopefully a new slightly-inventive movement scheme on the drawing board will give more character though.

Great, I want to try it. Where can I download it?

You'll have to wait for a moment, as I've yet to release it, but it should be out there shortly... just as soon as I get a decent movement.

How competitive is it?

Hard to say as it isn't in the RoboRumble yet, but currently it performs half-decent against mid-ranking bots, but gets slaughtered by the top bots. I hope for this to change with better movement because I have higher bullet damage despite lower score...

How does it move?

Currently? Pretty badly. What's that mean? Running into walls :)

How does it fire?

Currently uses a VirtualGuns array of CircularTargeting and GuessFactorTargeting with some inspiration from AutomatedSegmentation.

How does it dodge bullets?

Currently uses a variation of goto style wavesufing, that is broken in various ways.

How does the melee strategy differ from one-on-one strategy?

Well, not at all. It can handle storing stats for multiple enemies and dealing with everything, but I'm suspecting it'll likely skip turns alot in that case, and certainly wouldn't perform well. I'm only developing for one-on-one so far.

How does it select a target to attack/avoid in melee?

Targets the nearest known enemy. Not very smart, but again, not built for melee yet

What does it save between rounds and matches?

Currently it saves all GuessFactor data between rounds and matches. I plan to make it only save between rounds in the future to stop the data from overflowing

Where did you get the name?

Well, it's a Welsh name, which I felt represented my hopes for this bot sort-of. Kind of silly.

Can I use your code?

No, it's not released yet after all.

What's next for your robot?

Movement, movement, and more movement. After that's somewhat livable? I'm pondering more segmentation and a patternmatcher.

Does it have any WhiteWhales?

All the top bots? :) I often test/lose against SilverSurfer, Shadow, and Dookious but I'm catching up, even if slowly.

What other robot(s) is it based on?

The code architecture is somewhat inspired by my old Mervin robot (see Rednaxela) but it's all new code.

Comments, questions, feedback:

Just WRT your hitting walls problem, you do have WallSmoothing implemented, don't you? -- Skilgannon

Nope, haven't implemented WallSmoothing, nor any other form of WallAvoidance (i.e. limiting goal guess factors via PrecisePrediction that accounts for walls). I do have a form of WallSmoothing planned for the new movement method I'm working on. At some point I may add PrecisePrediction and/or WallSmoothing to my goto style wavesufing, but for the moment I see more potential in a new movement that I've just started coding. -- Rednaxela

If you're doing a style of [WaveSurfing/GoToStyle|goto wavesufing], it's fairly simple to 'warp' any points you are aiming at inside the field, so you don't hit the walls. But good luck for getting your wavesurfing working, and if my 'reachable' method will come useful for you goto-surfing (it's what both DrussGT and Stormrider use), feel free to use it. -- Skilgannon

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Edited January 28, 2008 21:51 EST by Skilgannon (diff)