Difference (from prior major revision)
(no other diffs)
Changed: 8c8
You'll have to wait for a moment, as I've yet to release it, but it should be out there shortly... just as soon as I get a decent movement.
You'll have to wait for a moment, as I've yet to release it, but it should be out there shortly... just as soon as this rewrite is done and ready.
Changed: 11c11
Hard to say as it isn't in the RoboRumble yet, but currently it performs half-decent against mid-ranking bots, but gets slaughtered by the top bots. Hopefully improved movement will have a big impact.
Hard to say as it isn't in the RoboRumble yet, but it's first incarnation performs half-decent against mid-ranking bots, but gets slaughtered by the top bots. Hopefully the write will not be a regression.
Changed: 14c14
Currently uses a TrueSurfing-Flattener without WallSmoothing. I plan to replace this with real bullet-dodging WaveSurfing, using flattening only when the enemy hitrate is high enough.
The first incarnation of Gwynfor used a TrueSurfing-Flattener without WallSmoothing. In the rewrite I eventually plan to replace this with real bullet-dodging WaveSurfing, using flattening only when the enemy hitrate is high enough.
Targets the nearest known enemy. Not very smart, but again, not built for melee yet
Targets the nearest known enemy. Not very smart, but again, not built for melee, at least currently.
Changed: 29c26
Currently it saves all GuessFactor data between rounds and matches. I plan to make it only save between rounds in the future to stop the data from overflowing
It's first form saves all GuessFactor data between rounds and matches. In the rewrite I plan to save the neural net weights between rounds but not between matches.
Changed: 35c32
No, it's not released yet after all.
No, it's not released yet after all. After it's released, maybe.
Changed: 38c35
Movement, movement, and more movement. After that's somewhat livable? I'm thinking about a NeuralPatternMatcher as well a little anti-surfer idea I cheekily call "Second Guessing".