- Parameters for robocode
- -cwd directory/directory -> changes the current working directory
- -battle batlefile.battle -> starts battle
- -results file.txt -> saves results into file
- -tps 35 -> sets speed (TODO)
- -minimize -> starts minimized
- -nodisplay -> starts without graphics (manager.setEnableGUI?(false); manager.setEnableSound?(false);)
- -nosound -> starts without sound (manager.setEnableSound?(false);)
- -? or -help -> print out ussage
- Example
- java -Xmx512M -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -jar robocode.jar -nodisplay -battle battles/intro.battle
Usage: robocode [-cwd directory] [-battle filename [-results filename] [-tps tps] [-minimize]]
Nice! I never saw this page before. It could have probably saved me some time. -- Simonton
Indeed, that seems incredibly useful (and easy). Was it always like this? The format of .battle files seems very simple, too. Hey, welcome to the wiki, make a page for yourself dude! -- Voidious
I think almost all of those options have been available since Robocode 1.0.6 at least (probably not -nosound, since Robocode didn't have sound). -- Kawigi