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Code for these debug graphics:

* g - Graphics2D object provided in onPaint(Graphics2D) (or from bot.getGraphics() in 1.6.1 +)
* bot - reference to my instance of AdvancedRobot
* w - wave.
*  w.ctime - when the wave was fired
if (bot.getOthers() == 1) {
    g.setColor(new Color(0f, 0.5f, 0f));
    g.draw(new Ellipse2D.Double(goal.x - 10, goal.y - 10, 20, 20));
    double radius, arcSegment, segmentHeading;
    double time = bot.getTime();
    for (Wave w : waves) {
	radius = (time - w.ctime) * w.speed;
	arcSegment = w.extent / NUM_WAVEBUCKETS;
	segmentHeading = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < NUM_WAVEBUCKETS; i++) {
                (w.reachableBucket == i ? 0f : 1/3f),             // green, or red if it's the target bucket
                1f,                                               // full saturation of course
                (float)(0.25 + 0.75 * waveBuckets[i] / bucketMax) // brighter as the bucket is fuller
	    //g.setStroke(new BasicStroke((float)(4 * waveBuckets[i] / bucketMax))); // disabled due to CPU expense

	    //draw a line for each bucket along the arc of the wave
	    segmentHeading = w.heading - w.clockwise * (w.extent / 2 - arcSegment * (i - 0.5));
	    g.draw(new Line2D.Double(
		w.origin.x + radius * Math.sin(segmentHeading),
		w.origin.y + radius * Math.cos(segmentHeading),
		w.origin.x + radius * Math.sin(segmentHeading + arcSegment),
		w.origin.y + radius * Math.cos(segmentHeading + arcSegment)


You used a similar method to what I've now got for painting waves in DrussGT, using the many small sections of line to make up the continuous arc. The main difference is that I change the color from blue -> yellow -> orange -> red depending on the danger, and it's in several increments, not in a continuous function. I didn't even know about the Color.getHSBColor method - looks very nice! I might just steal that idea - I take it this code is under the RWPCL? -- Skilgannon

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Edited August 30, 2008 12:19 EST by Skilgannon (diff)