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A bot for which I have published the source

A example of a bot that:

Code sample below

package pe.mini;
import robocode.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.zip.*;

 * SandboxMini - a robot by Paul Evans
 * Please acknowledge any code/ideas used.
 * for more information visit www.sandbox.dial.pipex.com/robocode
public class SandboxMini extends AdvancedRobot

	//***********************        Declarations      ***********************//
		//statics us less space - I don't know why - initilise key variables in do_init() to prevent values from the last battle being used.
		static double targetBearingAbs = 10;//Heading of the target (+/- PI) (=10.0 if target not scanned during last execute())
		static double targetDistance;		//distance target is away from us
		static double targetEnergy;			//energy level of the target
		static double targetX;				//coordinates of the target
		static double targetY;
		static double targetDirection;		//direction target is moving (or if stationary, was moving). 1.0 clockwise, -1.0 AntiClockwise
		static double LinearShootAngle;		//gun offset if target was to continue in a straight line at it's present velocity with a power 3 bullet (+ve clockwise, -ve anticlockwise)

		static double direction;			//direction we are heading...0 = forward, 1 = backwards
		static double nextTurn;				//the time we will select another co-ordinate to move to
		static double nextX;				//co-ordinates of where we are moving to at the moment
		static double nextY;
		static Guess[][] stats;				//each guess holds the liklyhood of hitting the opponent at a given guessFactor and distanceIndex - make static to keep values for next battle
		static int guessIndex;				//the present best guessIndex at the present distance of the target
		static int distIndex;				//the index representing the distance of the target.
		ArrayList vBullets = new ArrayList(1000);	//a collection of virtual bullets (not static therefor cleared each battle)
		static HashMap opponents;			// a mapping between an opponent name and it's stats array - saved to file				
	//***********************          run            ***********************//		
	public void run() {
		do_init();					//initialise variables, construct objects etc
		while(true) {
			if (targetBearingAbs == 10) {
				setTurnRadarRightRadians(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);		//no target - spin the radar
		 	} else {		
				do_stats();				//study our virtual bullets and update the guess stats if they have hit or missed
				do_GuessFactor();		//work out the best guess factor
				do_movement();			//move our robot
				do_radar();				//point the radar at the enemy
				do_gun();				//point the gun in the same direction as the enemy and adjust for guess factor
				do_shoot();				//shoot bullets and virtual bullets if the gun is not hot
				targetBearingAbs = 10.0;  	//if we scan the enemy during the execute it will be set again

	//***********************       Initilise          ***********************//
	void do_init() {
		nextTurn = 0;
		if (opponents == null) opponents = (HashMap) PEReadObject("Opponents");		// in round 1 read in the file Opponents.zobj
		if (opponents == null) opponents = new HashMap();		//if the file is not there/corrupt/or was not completely written last time because of quota restrictions create a new, empty map file
		PEWriteObject(opponents, "Opponents");		//at the beginning of every round write the map to opponents.zobj - stats from the last round won't be recorded (saves having to use onWin() and onDeath());
//		Use this commented out section to create the file 'New atats array.zobj' - it is used to place reasonable values in the guess array when a new opponent is found (used in onScannedRobot)
		if (stats==null) {					
			stats = new Guess[5][42];		//five distance indexes and 42 guess factors per guess stat (even guess stats: absolute angle, odd guess stats: linear angle) - index 0 and 1 guess factor -1.0, 40,41 guess factor 1.0 
			for (int i=0; i<42; i++){
				stats[0][i]= new Guess ();
				stats[0][i].index = i;
				stats[0][i].value = (float) (0.28  - 0.001*Math.abs(i-21));
				stats[1][i]= new Guess ();
				stats[1][i].index = i;
				stats[1][i].value = (float) (0.23  - 0.001*Math.abs(i-21));

				stats[2][i]= new Guess ();
				stats[2][i].index = i;
				stats[2][i].value = (float) (0.21  - 0.001*Math.abs(i-21));

				stats[3][i]= new Guess ();
				stats[3][i].index = i;
				stats[3][i].value = (float) (0.19  - 0.001*Math.abs(i-21));
				stats[4][i]= new Guess ();
				stats[4][i].index = i;
				stats[4][i].value = (float) (0.18  - 0.001*Math.abs(i-21));
			PEWriteObject(stats,"New stats array"); 
//		end of section creating 'New stats array.zobj' file 
	//***********************       Stats           ***********************//
	void do_stats() {
		long now = getTime();
		for (Iterator m = vBullets.iterator() ; m.hasNext() ; ) {  //check each virtual bullet to see if it has hit or missed
			VBullet vBullet = (VBullet) m.next();
			if (vBullet.targetWasHit(targetX,targetY,now)) {		//vBullet Hit
				stats[vBullet.distanceIndex][vBullet.guessIndex].rollingAvg(1.0);		//add 1 to the rolling average
				m.remove();																//and remove the v bullet
			else if (vBullet.outOfRange(targetX, targetY,now)) {			//vBulletMissed
				stats[vBullet.distanceIndex][vBullet.guessIndex].rollingAvg(0.0);		//add 0 to the rolling average
				m.remove();																//and removethe v bullet
		}																				//if the bullet neither hit or missed it is checked next tick
	//***********************       GuessFactor           ***********************//
	void do_GuessFactor() {
		distIndex = (int) maxMin(4, 0, (targetDistance-100)/100);  // 5 distance indexes:  0 is <200,  1 is <300,  2 is <400,  3 is <500  and   4 is >500
		Guess maxStat = (Guess) Collections.max(Arrays.asList(stats[distIndex]));
		guessIndex = maxStat.index;	
	//***********************      Movement         ***********************//
	void do_movement() {

		if(getTime()>=nextTurn) {	//has the time come to set new nextX and nextY co-ordinates
			nextTurn = getTime() + targetDistance/16.5;		//bullets travel at between 11 and 19.7 units per tick - set new nextX,Y co-ordinates a little before a 3.0 bullet would reach us
			double distFactor = Math.random();				//distance factor is roughly how far to travel until nextTurn (1.0 a long way, 0.0 nowhere)
			double adjustInOut = -(targetDistance-300)/200.0*Math.PI/4;  //negative -get nearer the opponent, +ve further away
			double angleAwayFromTarget = (Math.PI/2.0 + adjustInOut) * (Math.rint(Math.random())*2.0 - 1.0);		//basically move at 90 degrees to the opponent, adjust if we are too far or too near the opponent - and choose either clockwise or anticlockwise at random.
			nextX=getX() + Math.sin(targetBearingAbs+angleAwayFromTarget) * targetDistance*0.88*distFactor;		//in the time allocated we could travel a maximum of around 0.8 times the distance to the enemy
			nextY=getY() + Math.cos(targetBearingAbs+angleAwayFromTarget) * targetDistance*0.88*distFactor;
			nextX=maxMin(getBattleFieldWidth()-50,50,nextX)*2.0 - nextX;	//we don't want to crash into walls so if our co-ordinates cross a 50 unit margin inside the walls - reflect the co-ordinate about the margin line
			nextY=maxMin(getBattleFieldHeight()-50, 50,nextY)*2.0 - nextY;
		double reqOffset = normaliseBearing(absBearing(getX(),getY(),nextX,nextY)+direction*Math.PI - getHeadingRadians());  //calculate the change of angle required to get to the target co-ordianates
		if (Math.abs(reqOffset) > Math.PI/2) {  //if it is more than 180 degrees
			reqOffset += Math.PI;				//add 180 degrees to the offset
			if (direction == 1) direction=0; else direction=1;  //and change the direction.
		double distToGo=getRange(getX(),getY(),nextX,nextY);	//calculate how far to out target point
		setAhead((-2.0*direction+1.0)*distToGo);				//tell the engine the distance (it will do all the speed calcs to stop on the point)
		if(Math.abs(getTurnRemaining()) > 65) setAhead(0);  	// if we need to turn sharply slow down/stop for a faster, tighter turn (note using degrees here)
		if (Math.abs(distToGo) < 5.0) {		//to ensure we do not wobble and spin over the target point - be stationary if within 5 units of the point
	//***********************       Radar            ***********************//
	void do_radar() {
		double offset = normaliseBearing(targetBearingAbs - getRadarHeadingRadians());		//the new offset is basically the difference between the direction of the target now and the where the radar is pointing (where the enemy was) 
		setTurnRadarRightRadians(offset + sign(offset)*0.4);  ////overshoot by approx 1/16th of a circle
	//***********************         Gun            ***********************//
	void do_gun() {
		setTurnGunRightRadians(normaliseBearing(targetBearingAbs - getGunHeadingRadians() + gunOffset(guessIndex)));	// point the gun in the same direction as the enemy with an offset dicatated by the present best guess factor
//	//***********************        Shoot            ***********************//
	void do_shoot() {
		if(getEnergy()>3.1 && getGunHeat()==0) {		//if we won't disable us and the gun is ready
			setFire(3.0);								//Fire our real bullet and send out virtual bullets for all the other directions we could have fired
			for (int i=0; i<42; i++) {
				vBullets.add(new VBullet(i,distIndex,getX(),getY(),targetBearingAbs + gunOffset(i), getTime()));  //fire 42 virtual bullets - one for each guess factor - 21 for absolute targeting, 21 for linear targeting
	//***********************    onScannedRobot        ***********************//
	public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e) {
		stats = (Guess[][]) opponents.get(e.getName());		//get the stats array from the opponents map into stats.
		if (stats == null) {								// if there wasn't one in there create a new stats array (from file) and put it in the map
			stats = (Guess[][]) PEReadObject("New stats array");

		targetBearingAbs = e.getBearingRadians()+getHeadingRadians();   //standard trig stuff to work out where the opponent is and where its going.
		targetDistance = e.getDistance();
		targetEnergy = e.getEnergy();
		targetX = getX()+Math.sin(targetBearingAbs)*targetDistance;
		targetY = getY()+Math.cos(targetBearingAbs)*targetDistance;
		LinearShootAngle = Math.asin(e.getVelocity()/11.0 * Math.sin(e.getHeadingRadians()-targetBearingAbs));  //use sine rule to work out the gun offset angle - the two lengths are proportional to our bullet velocity (11.0) and the enemy velocity - the sign of the result gives us opponent moving clockwise +ve
		if(e.getVelocity() != 0.0) targetDirection = sign(LinearShootAngle);
	//***********************        Helpers        ***********************//
	double normaliseBearing(double ang) {		//returns an angle between -PI/2 ans PI/2
		while (ang > Math.PI) ang -= 2*Math.PI;
		while (ang <= -Math.PI) ang += 2*Math.PI;
		return ang;

	double absBearing( double x1,double y1, double x2,double y2 ) {		//returns the bearing of point 2 from point 1 (+/- PI/2)
		return Math.atan2(x2-x1,y2-y1);
	double getRange( double x1,double y1, double x2,double y2 ) {		//returns the distance between two points
		double xo = x2-x1;
		double yo = y2-y1;
		return Math.sqrt( ( (xo)*(xo) ) + ( (yo)*(yo) ) );
	double sign(double value) {		//returns -1 if the value is negative, +1 if the value is positive, 0.0 if the value is zero 
		return (value == 0.0) ? 0.0 : value/Math.abs(value);
	double maxMin(double maxval, double minval, double  value) {		//value returned is limited to the the max and min specified values 
		return Math.min(maxval, Math.max(minval, value));
	double gunOffset(int guessIndex) {		// returns a gun offset (+ve clockwise releative to the heading of the target) for a given guess factor
											// used by do_gun() for my gun direction and do_shoot() for the virtual bullets.
		if (targetEnergy == 0.0) return 0.0;
		double guessFactor=((guessIndex/2)-10.0)/10.0;
		if (guessIndex % 2 == 0) {
			return guessFactor*0.8143399*targetDirection;  //asin(8/11)=0.814399 radians (approx 46 degrees) - 46 degrees is the maximum angle an opponent can move if fired at with a 3.0 bullet - absolue targeting
		} else {
			return guessFactor*LinearShootAngle;  // linear targeting (odd guess factors)
	Object PEReadObject(String fileName) {		//returns an object read from file (could be an array, collection, anything other than a primative) from the specified file
		try {
			ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(getDataFile(fileName))));
			Object o = ois.readObject();
			return o;
		} catch (IOException e) {
		} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
		return null;
	void PEWriteObject(Object o, String fileName) { 
		try {
			ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream(new RobocodeFileOutputStream(getDataFile(fileName))));
		} catch (IOException e) {

	//***********************     CLASS   VBullet        ***********************//
	class VBullet {
	int guessIndex;			//the guessIndex used for this bullet
	int distanceIndex;		//the distanceIndex used for this bullet
	double originX;			//the point from which the bullet was fired
	double originY;
	double absBearing;		//the heading of the bullet
	long time;				//when the bullet was fired
	VBullet (int guessIndex, int distanceIndex, double originX, double originY, double absBearing, long time) {		//constuctor
		this.guessIndex = guessIndex;
		this.distanceIndex = distanceIndex;
		this.originX = originX;
		this.originY = originY;
		this.absBearing = absBearing;
		this.time = time;
	double distance(double now) {  //double because targetWasHit uses double - returns how far the vbullet has traveled at time now
		return (now - time) * 11.0;
	double getX(double now) {		//returns the x component of where the bullet is at time now
		return originX + Math.sin(absBearing)*distance(now);

	double getY(double now) {		//returns the y componet
		return originY + Math.cos(absBearing)*distance(now);
	boolean targetWasHit(double targetX, double targetY, long now) {		//given a target position a time returns true if the bullet came within 30 units of the target center over the last tick				
		for (double fraction = 0.0; fraction<1.05; fraction+=0.1) {
			if (range(targetX,targetY,now-fraction) < 30.0) return true;
		return false;
	boolean outOfRange(double targetX, double targetY, long now) {		//returns true if the bullet is beyond the target - the bullet can be considered usless now
		double targetFromOrigin = Math.sqrt((targetX-originX)*(targetX-originX)+(targetY-originY)*(targetY-originY));
		if (range(originX, originY, now) > targetFromOrigin+30.0) return true; else return false;  //if our bullet is 30 units further away than our target (from where the bullet eas fired from) it will never hit the target
	double range( double targetX, double targetY, double now) {  //returns the distance between the target and where the bullet was fired from.
		double xo = targetX-this.getX(now);
		double yo = targetY-this.getY(now);
		return Math.sqrt( ( (xo)*(xo) ) + ( (yo)*(yo) ) );


	//***********************     CLASS   Guess        ***********************//
	class Guess implements Comparable, Serializable{
		int index;		//the guess index (we use this to return the index of the object returned by the max method of the Collections class
		float value;	//the estimate of the probability of a hit

//		Guess (int index, double value) {
//			this.index = index;
//			this.value = (float) (value - 0.001*Math.abs(index-21));   //subtract a maximum of approx 0.02 at indexes 0 and 41 - to give preferece to index 20
//		}

        void rollingAvg(double newValue)
				value = (float) ((value*40.0 + newValue)/(41.0));	// a rolling average of 40

		public int compareTo(Object o) {	//allows us to use Collections.max (note 'implements comparable' above)
			//Guess second = (Guess) o;
			//if (this.value < ((Guess)o).value) return -1;
			//if (this.value > ((Guess)o).value) return  1;
			return new Float(this.value).compareTo(new Float(((Guess)o).value));  // 0;  saves 6 bytes on the above code

if you want to init the class variables (static ones) use the static{ }. It will only init when class is referenced e.g.

public class SandboxMini extends AdvancedRobot {
  static Guess[][] stats = null;
    stats = new Guess[5][42];
    for (int i=0; i<42; i++){
	stats[0][i]= new Guess ();
	stats[0][i].index = i;
	stats[0][i].value = (float) (0.28  - 0.001*Math.abs(i-21));
	stats[1][i]= new Guess ();
	stats[1][i].index = i;
	stats[1][i].value = (float) (0.23  - 0.001*Math.abs(i-21));

	stats[2][i]= new Guess ();
	stats[2][i].index = i;
	stats[2][i].value = (float) (0.21  - 0.001*Math.abs(i-21));

	stats[3][i]= new Guess ();
	stats[3][i].index = i;
	stats[3][i].value = (float) (0.19  - 0.001*Math.abs(i-21));
	stats[4][i]= new Guess ();
	stats[4][i].index = i;
	stats[4][i].value = (float) (0.18  - 0.001*Math.abs(i-21));	

  public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e) {
    // just to demostrate its not efficent to check like this in every scan.
    // the stats it self is inilised when the class is constructed so not null 
    //and will not be initilised in the next round!
    stats = (opponents.get(e.getName() ==null)? stats:(Guess[][])opponents.get(e.getName());


I don't understand, I don't think I use or need any static class variables - the Guess initial settings are commented out and are included to be able to re-make a new stats array file. when the bot fights a new opponent a new guess object is created from this file and added to the opponents HashMap? (and associaed with the opponents name). The Guess fields must not be static, I require different values for each opponent. -- Paul Evans

Yes you don't need any additinal static variables. You can put the commented part under static see the example above. You dont need to save and load the initial values. Thats what I say. --SSO?

Loading from file (and commenting out the initialisation code) results in a much smaller code size than having the initialisation code live. I needed to be able to load from file anyway for the opponent stats - I just used this routine to create initialised copies of the Guess[][] array in a few bytes. But I will look at the use of the static keyword in this context to understand it (I wish Java would not keep using the same word for different jobs!) -- Paul Evans.

Learing new things are always good. In the contex of saving to a file in order to save bytes is good idea. you can also put your VBullet class to a file and saved. SSO.

I'm sure there are about a hundred other ways to shave bytes off of SandboxMini, too. Speaking of which, were you going to enter it into the RobocodeLittleLeague?-- Kawigi

nah - it's not a serious bot -- Paul.

Releated to Mini guess factor. Is it necessry to scale the guess factor for every bullet speed for VBullets or just need to use the max bullet power. -- SSO

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Edited September 10, 2003 18:24 EST by SSO (diff)