[Home]History of Pluto

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Revision 8 . . May 18, 2006 23:37 EST by Florent [reverted from vandalism]
Revision 7 . . May 18, 2006 14:44 EST by hst-0-32.relef.net

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1,2c1,13
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Placed fourth in the Intermediate class of the RobocodeRumble

Uses AntiGravityMovement for everything, including one-on-one movement and DodgingBullets (see ShrapnelDodging)

Uses LaserTargeting

Stores targetting information on opponents between rounds

The name is because I had constructed two "planets" earlier, Saturn and Neptune, and it fit well with AntiGravityMovement since Pluto is the planet that is farthest away from "everything".

The "planet" bots were actually test-benches for strategies that were to be combined in Fusion. As it happened, Pluto was better than Saturn, Neptune and Fusion? in the RobocodeRumble (mainly because it is best at melee, but it doesn't suck at one-on-one either)


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