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Revision 14 . . December 23, 2003 23:09 EST by PEZ
Revision 13 . . December 23, 2003 22:07 EST by Tango

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 6,76c6,9
You're right, i've just looked and there doesn't seem to be a lot of help in there. Does the rounded nature of the rectangle matter? If it doesn't then i would suggest making Line2Ds of each line of the rectangle, then calculate the equations of the lines ( (y-y1)/(y2-y1)=(x-x1)/(x2-x1) and simplify), and then solve them simultaneously. All in code. Should be a bit of fun! ;-) That's the only way i can see of doing it, and it isn't very practical. I suggest searching the net for something more useful (or possibly just someone who's already done what i suggest). -- Tango

Ok, i've done a little search for you, and the first page google found had this lovely bit of code:

// Return a point as the intersection of two lines -- called from a Line object
Point intersects(final Line line1) {
Point localPoint = new Point(0, 0);

double num = (this.end.y--this.start.y)*(this.start.x--line1.start.x) -

double denom = (this.end.y--this.start.y)*(line1.end.x--line1.start.x) -

localPoint.x = line1.start.x + (line1.end.x--line1.start.x)*num/denom;
localPoint.y = line1.start.y + (line1.end.y--line1.start.y)*num/denom;

return localPoint;

It's a method for a Line object, and returns a Point object. I'm bored so i'll rewrite it for Java2D. Hang on. -- Tango

// Return a point as the intersection of two lines
Point2D intersects(Line2D line1, Line2D line2) {
Point2D localPoint = new Point2D.Double(0, 0);

double num = (line1.getY2()--line1.getY1())*(line1.getX1()--line2.getX1()) -

double denom = (line1.getY2()--line1.getY1())*(line2.getX2()--line2.getX1()) -

localPoint.x = line2.getX1() + (line2.getX2()--line2.getX1())*num/denom;
localPoint.y = line2.getY1() + (line2.getY2()--line2.getY1())*num/denom;

return localPoint;

There you go. I haven't tested it, or even compiled it, but it should work. -- Tango

Edit conflict! While Tango found the above answer I coded this:

private static final int TRACE_DEPTH = 16;

public Point2D findIntersection(Line2D line, Shape shape) {
return findIntersection(line, shape, 0);

private Point2D findIntersection(Line2D line, Shape shape, int depth) {
Point2D middle = new Point2D.Double((line.getX1() + line.getX2()) / 2, (line.getY1() + line.getY2()) / 2);
Point2D temp;

if (shape.contains(line.getP1()) == shape.contains(line.getP2()))
return null;

if (depth >= TRACE_DEPTH)
return middle;

temp = findIntersection(new Line2D.Double(line.getP1(), middle), shape, depth + 1);

if (temp != null)
return temp;
return findIntersection(new Line2D.Double(middle, line.getP2()), shape, depth + 1);

This is completely untested, but at least you will probably be able to fix it where it is broken. It should provide reasonable accuracy, though with a high computational cost, as it is merely a binary search. It should recurse 0 times if the line lies entirely inside or outside the shape, and should recurse between TRACE_DEPTH and 2 * TRACE_DEPTH times otherwise, with an average of 1.5 * TRACE_DEPTH (that is, 3 * TRACE_DEPTH calls to contains()). -- nano
He who asked shall have answers it seems. =)
* /LineIntersection?
* /Intersection?

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Indeed, a very clever solution, Nano. :-) I can't wait to see what this new movement is like, it looks like it is going to be very original. -- Tango

In my computer graphics class, we actually discussed an algorithm like nano's for line clipping. Of course, it can just as easily be done iteratively. -- Kawigi

So true, and the iterative version can use half of the calls to Shape.contains(). It should be quite a bit faster:

private static final int TRACE_DEPTH = 16;

public Point2D findIntersection(Line2D line, Shape shape) {
Point2D middle;
boolean p1, p2, ptemp;

if ((p1 = shape.contains(line.getP1())) == (p2 = shape.contains(line.getP2())))
return null;

for (int i = 0; i < TRACE_DEPTH; i++) {
middle = new Point2D.Double((line.getX1() + line.getX2()) / 2, (line.getY1() + line.getY2()) / 2);

if (p1 != (ptemp = shape.contains(middle))) {
p2 = ptemp;
line = new Line2D.Double(line.getP1(), middle);
} else if ((ptemp = shape.contains(middle)) != p2) {
p1 = ptemp;
line = new Line2D.Double(middle, line.getP2());

return new Point2D.Double((line.getX1() + line.getX2()) / 2, (line.getY1() + line.getY2()) / 2);

Again, it's untested. The best I can say is that I read through it quickly after I finished it and it seems to be all there. :) -- nano

Looks like it should work to me. I think your use of p1, p2 and ptemp could be simplified, but i'd have to think about it to be sure, and it's too late for thinking (9 o'clock seems a little early to be using that excuse, but it is xmas, after all). -- Tango

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