[Home]History of VertiLeach/Code

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Revision 4 . . (edit) December 19, 2003 13:48 EST by PEZ [Version 0.3.3 code]
Revision 2 . . October 30, 2003 0:05 EST by PEZ

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff)

Changed: 1c1,6
Source code for VertiLeach V 0.3, released under the RoboWiki Public Code Licence (RWPCL).
Source code for VertiLeach V 0.3.3, released under the RoboWiki Public Code Licence (RWPCL).

There are a couple of things that might be interesting with this code:
# It's from a top-10 class bot in RoboRumble@Home (and top-2 class in the MiniBots class)
# It uses a simple GuessFactorTargeting gun
# Rather few lines of code. Even if it has some improvements to ask for in terms of clarity, it isn't as obfuscated as some minibot code out there.

Changed: 17c22
// http://robowiki.dyndns.org/?RWPCL
// http://robowiki.net/?RWPCL

Changed: 19c24
// Code home page: http://robowiki.dyndns.org/?VertiLeach/Code
// Code home page: http://robowiki.net/?VertiLeach/Code

Changed: 21c26
// $Id: VertiLeach.java,v 1.5 2003/10/26 14:32:37 peter Exp $
// $Id: VertiLeach.java,v 1.9 2003/12/19 00:43:56 peter Exp $

Changed: 26c31
private static final double DEFAULT_BULLET_POWER = 3.0;
private static final double DEFAULT_BULLET_POWER = 2.8;

Removed: 28d32
private static final int MAX_FACTOR_VISITS = 255;

Changed: 30,31c34,35
private static final int VERTICAL_SEGMENTS = 11;
private static final int AIM_FACTORS = 17;
private static final int VERTICAL_SEGMENTS = 9;
private static final int AIM_FACTORS = 23;

Changed: 33,34c37,38
private static Point2D oldRobotLocation? = new Point2D.Double();
private static Point2D oldEnemyLocation? = new Point2D.Double();
private static Point2D lastRobotLocation? = new Point2D.Double();
private static Point2D lastEnemyLocation? = new Point2D.Double();

Removed: 36d39
private static Rectangle2D fieldRectangle;

Added: 41a45,47
private static double enemyY;
private static double enemyYNormal;
private static double lastEnemyYNormal?;

Added: 43a50
private static int bearingDirection;

Added: 44a52
private static double midY;

Added: 45a54,55
private static double bulletPower = DEFAULT_BULLET_POWER;
private static int mostVisited;

Removed: 47,48d56
private Point2D robotDestination = null;
private boolean shouldRam;

Removed: 51d58
fieldRectangle = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0 , getBattleFieldWidth?(), getBattleFieldHeight?());

Added: 54a62
midY = getBattleFieldHeight?() / 2;

Changed: 66c74

Changed: 70c78

Changed: 73,75c81,93
double delta = enemyEnergy - e.getEnergy();
if (delta >= 0.1 && delta <= 3.0) {
yOffset = 150 * Math.random() - 75;
lastEnemyYNormal? = enemyYNormal;
enemyYNormal = enemyY = enemyLocation.getY();
if (enemyY > midY) {
enemyYNormal = midY - (enemyY - midY);

double eDelta = enemyEnergy - e.getEnergy();
if (eDelta >= 0.1 && eDelta <= 3.0) {
double maxOffset = 175 + (DEFAULT_DISTANCE - Math.min(DEFAULT_DISTANCE, enemyDistance));
yOffset = 2 * maxOffset * Math.random() - maxOffset;
if (aimVerticalSegment?() < 1) {
yOffset *= 0.5 * Math.abs(yOffset) * sign(midY - enemyY);

Removed: 79,86d96
shouldRam = enemyEnergy == 0 || (enemyEnergy < 0.3 && robotEnergy > enemyEnergy * 11);


deltaBearing = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(absoluteBearing(oldRobotLocation?, enemyLocation) -
absoluteBearing(oldRobotLocation?, oldEnemyLocation?));
double bulletPower = Math.min(robotEnergy / 5, Math.min(enemyEnergy / 4, DEFAULT_BULLET_POWER));
maxEnemyBearing? = Math.abs(Math.asin(MAX_VELOCITY / (bulletVelocity(bulletPower))));

Changed: 88,89c98,99
currentAimFactors? = aimFactors[aimDirectionSegment?()]
[Math.min((int)(enemyLocation.getY() / (getBattleFieldHeight?() / VERTICAL_SEGMENTS)), VERTICAL_SEGMENTS - 1)];
if (getTime() > 8) {

Changed: 91,98c101,121
enemyAbsoluteBearing? + maxEnemyBearing? * sign(deltaBearing) * mostVisitedFactor?() - getGunHeadingRadians?()));

if (!shouldRam && (robotEnergy > 1.5 || enemyDistance < 200)) {
if (setFireBullet(bulletPower) != null && bulletPower > 0.9) {
addCustomEvent(new Wave(bulletVelocity(bulletPower)));
deltaBearing = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(absoluteBearing(lastRobotLocation?, enemyLocation) -
absoluteBearing(lastRobotLocation?, lastEnemyLocation?));
if (deltaBearing < 0) {
bearingDirection = -1;
else if (deltaBearing > 0) {
bearingDirection = 1;
bulletPower = (enemyDistance < 2 * DEFAULT_DISTANCE / 3) ? 3.0 : DEFAULT_BULLET_POWER;
bulletPower = Math.min(robotEnergy / 5, Math.min(enemyEnergy / 4, bulletPower));
maxEnemyBearing? = Math.abs(Math.asin(MAX_VELOCITY / (bulletVelocity(bulletPower))));

currentAimFactors? = aimFactors[aimDirectionSegment?()][aimVerticalSegment?()];

enemyAbsoluteBearing? + maxEnemyBearing? * bearingDirection * mostVisitedFactor?() - getGunHeadingRadians?()));

if (setFireBullet(bulletPower) != null && bulletPower == DEFAULT_BULLET_POWER) {
addCustomEvent(new Wave());

Changed: 112,114c135,147
double X = enemyLocation.getX() + sign(getX() - enemyLocation.getX()) * (shouldRam ? 0 : DEFAULT_DISTANCE);;
robotDestination = new Point2D.Double(X, enemyLocation.getY() + yOffset);
translateInsideField?(robotDestination, WALL_MARGIN);
Point2D robotDestination = null;
double direction = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
double X = enemyLocation.getX() + direction * side() * DEFAULT_DISTANCE;
robotDestination = new Point2D.Double(X, enemyLocation.getY() + yOffset);
translateInsideField?(robotDestination, WALL_MARGIN);
if (Math.abs(X - robotDestination.getX()) < 100) {
else {
direction *= -1;

Changed: 120,124c153,155
int direction = 1;
if (Math.abs(angle) > Math.PI / 2) {
angle += Math.acos(direction = -1);
double turnAngle = Math.atan(Math.tan(angle));
int direction = angle == turnAngle ? 1 : - 1;

Added: 127a159,162
int side() {
return sign(getX() - enemyLocation.getX());

Changed: 129c164
int mostVisited = (AIM_FACTORS - 1) / 2;
mostVisited = (AIM_FACTORS - 1) / 2;

Changed: 135c170
return (mostVisited - (AIM_FACTORS - 1D) / 2D) / ((AIM_FACTORS - 1D) / 2D);
return ((mostVisited + 0.5) / AIM_FACTORS) * 2 - 1;

Changed: 139,144c174,188
if (factors[index] < MAX_FACTOR_VISITS) {
else {
decrementOtherFactors?(factors, index);
index = Math.min(Math.max(0, index), AIM_FACTORS - 1);
if (factors[mostVisited] > 100) {
for (int i = 0; i < AIM_FACTORS; i++) {
if (factors[i] > 1) {
factors[i] -= 2;
factors[index] += 2;
if (index < AIM_FACTORS - 1) {
factors[index + 1]++;
if (index > 0) {
factors[index - 1]++;

Changed: 147,152c191,193
void decrementOtherFactors?(int[] factors, int index) {
for (int i = 0, numFactors = factors.length; i < numFactors; i++) {
if (i != index && factors[i] > 0) {
private int aimVerticalSegment?() {
int segment = Math.min((int)(enemyYNormal / (midY / VERTICAL_SEGMENTS)), VERTICAL_SEGMENTS - 1);
return segment;

Changed: 156,157c197,198
double delta = enemyLocation.getY() - oldEnemyLocation?.getY();
if (delta < 0) {
double yDelta = enemyYNormal - lastEnemyYNormal?;
if (yDelta < 0) {

Changed: 160c201
else if (delta > 0) {
else if (yDelta > 0) {

Changed: 167,168c208,209
point.setLocation(Math.max(margin, Math.min(fieldRectangle.getWidth() - margin, point.getX())),
Math.max(margin, Math.min(fieldRectangle.getHeight() - margin, point.getY())));
point.setLocation(Math.max(margin, Math.min(getBattleFieldWidth?() - margin, point.getX())),
Math.max(margin, Math.min(getBattleFieldHeight?() - margin, point.getY())));

Changed: 191c232
FileInputStream?(getDataFile?(enemyName + ".zip")));

Changed: 204c245
ZipOutputStream? zipout = new ZipOutputStream?(new RobocodeFileOutputStream?(getDataFile?(enemyName + ".zip")));
ZipOutputStream? zipout = new ZipOutputStream?(new RobocodeFileOutputStream?(getDataFile?(enemyName)));

Changed: 218,222c259,264
private double bulletVelocity;
private double bearingDelta;
private Point2D oldRLocation = new Point2D.Double();
private Point2D oldELocation = new Point2D.Double();
private double maxBearing;
private double wBulletVelocity?;
private double wBearingDelta?;
private Point2D wRobotLocation? = new Point2D.Double();
private Point2D wEnemyLocation? = new Point2D.Double();
private int wBearingDirection?;
private double wMaxBearing?;

Changed: 225c267
public Wave(double bulletVelocity) {
public Wave() {

Changed: 227,231c269,273
this.bulletVelocity = bulletVelocity;
this.bearingDelta = deltaBearing;
this.maxBearing = maxEnemyBearing?;
this.wBulletVelocity? = bulletVelocity(bulletPower);
this.wBearingDelta? = deltaBearing;
this.wMaxBearing? = maxEnemyBearing?;

Added: 232a275
this.wBearingDirection? = bearingDirection;

Changed: 236,240c279,283
if (bulletVelocity * (getTime() - wTime) > oldRLocation.distance(enemyLocation) - 10) {
double bearingDiff = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(absoluteBearing(oldRLocation, enemyLocation) -
absoluteBearing(oldRLocation, oldELocation));
registerFactorVisit?(wAimFactors?, (int)Math.round(Math.max(0D, Math.min(AIM_FACTORS - 1D,
((sign(bearingDelta) * bearingDiff) / maxBearing) * (AIM_FACTORS - 1D) / 2D + (AIM_FACTORS - 1D) / 2D))));
if (wBulletVelocity? * (getTime() - wTime) > wRobotLocation?.distance(enemyLocation) - 10) {
double bearingDiff = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(absoluteBearing(wRobotLocation?, enemyLocation) -
absoluteBearing(wRobotLocation?, wEnemyLocation?));
registerFactorVisit?(wAimFactors?, (int)Math.round(((((wBearingDirection? * bearingDiff) /
wMaxBearing?) + 1) / 2) * wAimFactors?.length));

Changed: 248c291

Comments, suggestions and questions are welcome

Comments, suggestions and questions are welcome

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