I'd say to start by trying to segment on speed, or Math.abs(e.getVelocity()) in your onScannedRobot. Store an int speedIndex on your waves, and make your GF array 2 dimensional. When you create the wave, set wave.speedIndex = Math.min(3, (Math.abs(e.getVelocity()) / 4)). (A compact way of saying 0-2, 2-4, 4-6, and 6-8.) When you log the data, use that speedIndex as the first index into your array, and the GF bin as the second. When you aim, poll the speedIndex corresponding to their current speed. The idea is to have different GF data for similar situations. Make sense? -- Voidious
Ahh, I understand, so I just juice up the array to make the guessfactor more exact, so its basically like adding guess factors for speed, distance, absolute angle, energy, and so on. But it would take a really long time to build up all those segments wouldn't it? -- Chase-san
Yes, basically your GuessFactor is also a segment, though it is unique because it is the segment you are trying to predict. Yes, it takes time to build up accurate data, but firing a wave every tick, you can get some level of accuracy pretty quickly. Also, most enemies will spend 90% of their time in a small percentage of your segments. -- Voidious
I'm currently Fine Tuning my non-segmented gun. So this way there won't be alot more to work around when I go to start segmenting. -- Chase-san
I did the normal Targeting Challenge with two versions of Beowulf, each with thier own design of my gun. As you can see even after a little restructure it seems that the gun is still a little off. So I plan to make another version of the gun. --Chase-san
I noticed my bot doesn't actually use rolling averages, and the way that it was set up actually killed the guns ability to aim by a good percent. I will see what I can do in the future to get RollingAverages? rolling again. -- Chase-san
Ookay, its been a little while since I posted, but I have been caught up in tweaking every last ounce of power from Beowulf's Gun. I revised the version numbers, I have done a total of 11 targeting challenges with this bot alone just to test each guns power. -- Chase-san
My dev7 branch is pretty good and I might run with it but it seems to be having problems with Cigaret. -- Chase-san
Cigaret is a very good bot. It gives even a lot of the top bots a good fight, so don't sweat it too much if it's giving you problems. I still have problems with Iiley's bots. --wcsv
Okay, i'm going to run with the dev7 brach, i'm beginning work on movement now, i'll get back to the gun later. -- Chase-san
I threw togeather my gun mixed with some basic wave surfing (custom as the gun is) and it does horrible. In fact a pure copy/paste merger of BasicSurfer and GFTargetingBot does tons better. It looks like Beowulf needs some work before its ready for any high end applications. :P -- Chase-san
You are not the only one with that problem. My current version of GresSuffurd is not much better than BasicGFSurfer, while it has a segmented gun and a 'keep your distance' surfing. Especially the surfing is very sensitive for minor details, just try to focus on a simple surfmovement that can avoid HeadOnTargeting first. -- GrubbmGait
I updated Beowulf, maybe it might do a little better now? -- Chase-san
Beowulf jumped another 44 or so points, none of my bots can seem to make it past the 1860 point barrier. Thus I need to put some work into a bot that will. -- Chase-san
And yet another WaveSurfer with GF-gun that outranks my non-surfing FastTargeting bot. Congratulations! -- GrubbmGait
You still got GresSuffurd, I so far don't have a chance to beat him. --Chase-san
Okay, my beowulf gained 3 points from using StrictMath? over the standard Math class. I did some research and found that StrictMath? is slower but more exact then Math. I did an experment using two indetical bots, except for one used StrictMath? and the other used math. I did 4, 1000 round tests just to make sure, the one using StrictMath? came out on top every time, and by a respectable margin aswell. However this was just for one bot, I have only tested it only minorly in other bots. However from my tests, I know that this modification's results aren't totally unfounded. -- Chase-san
Are you sure that this isn't due to the advantage that bots get from being the first competitor added to a battle? Try this: take two identical robots and pit them against each other. The (1) robot will beat the (2) robot by a small margin. Are you sure that what you're finding isn't the same effect?
No, not 100% sure actually, now that I think about, it I think it was mixed up, the Strict was in the second one or twice. --Chase-san