[Home]David Alves/Firebird

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Firebird is based off of the David Alves/Phoenix code, but uses DynamicClustering guns for both WaveSurfing and firing at the enemy. All other code is the same. Even the WaveSurfing class is the same, it just has a different value for the "enemy gun" variable. Coming soon to a rumble near you! --David Alves

Found out something interesting while testing... Firebird spends about a third the time of Phoenix in the movement method (~1150 vs ~3400 ms per round on my laptop), but spends almost ten times as long in the aiming method (~650 vs. ~65 ms per round on my laptop). Need to investigate why that's the case, I would expect it to be uniformly slower or faster... --David Alves

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Edited October 31, 2007 21:47 EST by David Alves (diff)